Today I have been on a little trek down to Dudley in the West Midlands to be part of a historic ceremony. My lovely friend Alan Cox was being ordained as a Gnostic priest by Bishop David Parry. It’s always precious when someone discovers a calling to serve others, especially in matters spiritual, because a belief in something we can’t see and touch fights a battle against social conditioning that suggests scientific fact is all there is. The belief in any kind of Divine ‘something(s)’ has also become wrapped around with rituals and teachings that attempt to interpret that Divine ‘something(s)’ for us.
After the ordination there was a lively discussion at our table. Bishop David, Deacon Paul, Reverend Sue, John, Gray, Karen, Kirsty and myself come from all sorts of backgrounds. What we all have is open mindedness. Gray & Karen love to do paranormal investigations, David & Sue enjoy offering spiritual guidance and, of course, I’m always ready to talk about the deeper nature of Spirit in a human body. What was so lovely was to carry out a wide ranging discussion which had at its core a belief that we all shared. Whatever way we individually choose to express it we all have as a central point in our lives an acceptance of a Divine Oneness. Not necessarily a God, Goddess or Gods & Goddesess. A sense that within each of us is a connection to something ultimately loving and positive. This belief connects us with all of humanity and has done for thousands of years. Human beings have always chosen to acknowledge something intangible that exists as the connecting bond to encourage us to offer service from an altruistic perspective.
Of course we can reject this belief. We can doubt it, analyse it, criticise it. We have freedom of choice. It’s interesting that in the end the majority of us return to a belief in the Divine. It sets a context within which we can offer to be of service for the greater good. Not a rule or requirement. Not a responsibility. It’s a choice we make freely and exercise to the best of our ability within the limits we place on ourselves. It is also an encouragement to give and receive love to our selves and other. I believe that love is the fundamental force in our Universe. I believe that love energy flows outwards from the Divine Oneness and we receive as much of that force as we allow ourselves to. Alan’s acceptance of the ministry he is called to follow will put him more deeply in the flow of that love energy. He will be able to pass on to those who seek it more of the Light radiance associated with Divine Love. He will be able to do this because of his belief in a Divine source of love.
At the start of the ceremony we listened to Imagine by John Lennon. It’s one of my favourite inspirational pieces of music. Pure poetry. As we discussed belief and the barriers man made religions place around the direct connection to Divine Oneness the song reverberated around my mind. When will we return to love for one another? When will it be possible to hold very different understandings of the nature of life, the Universe and everything and be at peace with each other? When will we start to serve one another from a heart full of love? Some days it seems to me like Mission Impossinble. Other days, like today, it seems like a peaceful world is just in front of us if only we could reach out and grasp it. Whatever you believe I wish you a peaceful world, love and understanding.
Day 133 of my blogging challenge.