Bad Back? There’s More Than Meets The Eye

Over the last few days I’ve been getting messages asking for healing for back problems. It seems that bad backs are popular right now. Painfully popular!

I started thinking about that today. My healing Guides had been around to help me send out positive energy to all who needed it. We fell into a discussion of why there was so much bad back trouble right now. Of course I know that we have been through, and are only just coming out of, a big energy blast. It was designed to bring the truth to light. To get me to notice where I was putting my principles into practise and where not. I guess you could say it was highlighting my inner hypocrisy. Those times when I say one things and do another. Also how vulnerable that leaves me to judging myself harshly.

The enegy was designed to show me my true nature as it is right now so that I would be encouraged to change. The situations put in front of me meant taking a chance and putting my money where my mouth is so to speak. I hope I’ve managed to do that in a positive way. Although others might not agree or may consider I have done something in a bad way. It’s all about me living my spirituality. That’s where the back issues come in. I know that I carry my stress in my physical body. As soon as I start to feel an ache or pain in my right side I stop to check what it means. Because it will disappear if I pay attention to it’s message.

Sometimes I ache because I’m clearing stuff. Often I ache because I’m picking up too much negative energy. Occasionally I ache because it’s a past life. And every now and then it’s because my burden has become too heavy.

Bad backs usually involve the spine and sometimes the muscles around it. Occasionally it can be kidney or other organs like the gall bladder. It’s not surprising really as our spine keeps us upright. Our kidneys and other organs keep our body free of waste products and toxic materials. When these areas flare up I believe it’s a sign that we have taken on too much of the wrong kind of energy. And that we are struggling to get rid of it. It’s no surprise that people with heavy responsibilities often suffer from bad backs. Or that someone who has been knocked down a lot in life (not always physically) has to deal with pack pain. Those with heavy emotional burdens suffer too.

There are also bad back issues when someone feels held back, trapped or hedged in. These strong emotional states stick in the spine and create physical pain. It can also be a sign of wanting to escape notice. Some people hunch with bad backs as if avoiding being seen. If this energy stays around long enough I believe we develop physical symptoms that make us stop and take notice. Unfortunately when the unexpressed energy becomes a physical symptom or actual damage to the spine there may be difficulties getting the spine back into order. Even after releasing any stuck energies.

Hopefully at the first twinge which suggests a bad back someone will get help identifying the energy source. I know from my Guides that the sooner it’s sorted the better.

But that’s the bigger problem. I’m not one to rush to the doctor. Nor do I always notice my bad back. Sometimes I just hope it will go away. I feel we all do that for as long as we possibly can. Especially as the back pain often comes from a strong sense of responsibility for others, for a job, for a way of life. So this is also about being ready to give myself enough care. As much care as I would offer to others. And for me to know that getting myself back into wellness is the best way to be more giving to others too. Is it time for you to notice that twinge of pain? That regular ache that doesn’t seem to have any physical cause? That nagging soreness that starts and then goes depending on where you are, what you are doing or who you are with?

Your body knows what you might not want to notice. If you have a bad back it’s time to look below the surface a little bit more.

Day 567 of my blogging challenge 

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