Back into the Centre

greenearthcircleThe retreat is over. Or holiday, except I was busy doing a lot of reflecting and clearing. Today it’s back to the Down 2 Earth Heart Centre and work.

One of the most fascinating things about running a Centre is the way in which it is a centre for my life. A lot of the things I do are on offer there. Walking into the corridor you will find my art work on display in our little Hidden Gem Gallery. Open the door and step into the main room full of soft music and wonderful fragrances. My PartyLite candles and Earth’s ArchAngels sprays lift the energy. Sit down on a settee that could have come from your Grandma’s front room to enjoy a cuppa. We can chat. There might be my meditation group or Reiki to try. Or perhaps a connection to a Guide or Spirit loved one. I am grateful that I can do so many things, offer so many services and have a peaceful place to work in.

I also know that working in the Centre keeps me centred. Life has a way of pulling or pushing us off balance. I don’t mean to get out  of step with myself. It happens because I’m human. I have thoughts and feelings that can boost me or drag me down. I’m surrounded by other humans who are experiencing the same thing. All of us are putting our energy into a communal pool and all of us are drawing our energy from that same pool. It’s interesting to have been on a retreat and then come back. I haven’t seen the news for two weeks and can’t say I’ve missed it. Yet I can feel the energy that news reports have generated in the people. Inside the door of the Centre it’s like a no news place. Even a no personal news place.

Anything that is waiting in my admin tray, or issues that people might need me to sort out, are surrounded by calm, compassionate energy.

Inside this place I can take a fresh look at my own issues. It’s as if the energy of the world is held at bay whilst I work out what, if anything, I need to do. I love working in circles and spirals. They draw me back to some of my most powerful shamanic experiences. As I returned to work today I felt as if I had returned to the circle energy. The enfoldment of all my worries, niggles and concerns was complete. They can safely be left in this circle of peace. The energies they have created in me can dissipate. I am in balance again.

Day 263 of my blogging challenge.

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