For the past couple of days I have been working on my newsletters. Each month I send out a personal one which I put together. I also send out a Letters From The Light Side Newsletter the content of which often comes in through automatic writing.
I have always been fascinated by reports of automatic writing. When my own mediumship started to develop writing was one of the ways I found the Spirit people connected with me. If I wrote a question down and then started to write the answer I often felt like the words on the page dropped into my mind and out through my pen without any thought from me. I learned that I was doing inspired writing. By writing a question my Guides could use my clarecognisence and put their point cross through the answer. I was always rather stunned by the insightful answers. I could see that the way they were written wasn’t my style at all. Even the pen style changed someohow.
Eventually I started to work on giving the Guides more freedom to write what they wanted. I began to use my non writing hand, closing my eyes and seeing what emerged on the paper. Eventually the writing became legible and there were clear messages for me. Finally I moved to my keyboard. I wanted to see if the automatic writing could happen when I was typing. Much to my surprise I felt my hands disappear. Yet the typing continued. But to find out what it was about I had to read my screen. I couldn’t even feel the words emerging. I fell in love with automatic writing from then on. And I use it whenever I am sending out guidance.
Automatic writing is a great technique to learn. It’s simple and easy. But you do have to have patience. I know it took me quite a while to give over the control of my fingers to another presence. Because it does feel a bit weird at first not to feel my hands. However, I enjoy the work that flows through from those ‘other’ hands. Sharing positive energy is always good. So is being able to send it out into the world.
Day 787 of my blogging challenge