Today my blog is a little bit different. I aim to write every day but have said very little about my Art work. I like to work in abstract when I paint so that the meaning, feeling and images can emerge for the person who is looking at each piece. Working with the energy channeled from Energy Beings I believe my abstract work encourages the viewer to use their clairvoyance too. The pictures are full of faces – some easy to spot, some only visible with a side glance and some art faces only emerge after a long time.
So today, rather than describe my work in words, I’ve posted some of my art work below. Take a look at the images and let me know what you see in each one. Or how each one makes you feel. What thoughts arise as you look at the pictures? When the Spirit world get involved in producing art it’s because they want to give you a message. Paying attention to what you think, feel, remember or which picture you are most drawn to is a way to connect with the message. Think about your reactions. Perhaps write them down. Sometimes the message is much more than you feel it is at first. Or get your own pencils, pens, paints out and start drawing too. Any images or colours could be your Guides making their connection with you stronger. A creative mind is more flexible at accepting information a rational mind can often reject.
Step back from whatever you produce. It doesn’t have to be perfect, the Mona Lisa or anything to please other people. Have fun. Get messy. Enjoy the space you are creating for inspiration to emerge. You might even surprise yourself!
Prints & artwork can be purchased from Growth Into Awareness – email for more details.
Day 69 of my blogging challenge.
The top picture gives me a feeling ..i am not alone…If I have a problem. I usually share maybe speaking fears or joy out loud will be heard by others..and help me manage better. …
Thank you for your comments Julie 😀 It’s lovely to know what other people experience with the artwork 😀