ArchAngel Love

It’s been a funny old day! The sunshine this morning was the promise that Spring is here. Yet the niggles of old, stuck energy kept popping up as if to say ‘do you love yourself enough?’ In the end the loving embrace of an ArchAngel brought me through the shadows into my true radiance. Love is in and around us all the time if only we choose to look for it. So before I explain more I want to share that love with you.

Earth's ArchAngel Tiphoniel

Earth’s ArchAngel Tiphoniel

Tonight I visited a local mediation group in Saltaire to share with them the energy of two of the Earth’s ArchAngels, Comeliel and Tiphoniel. Comeliel, the Keeper of Records, works with me now in my Past Life work. She has been helping me to bring forward the present life soul purpose of each person I read for. The sequence of lives we have brought into this one helps steer us to the best path for evolving our Spirit vibration. She weaves the information together with loving insight. Tonight she helped people to become aware that growth happens even in a life that might appear barren or a disaster. That our resistance to feelings, thoughts and experiences helps us to notice the wisdoms hidden behind that resistance. If we are reluctant that is ok because change will happen sometime in this life, or the next time we are human or the one after that. Our ascension will and already has happened.

Then it was the turn of the ArchAngel who connects us all with the Divine Mother. Tiphoniel brings unconditional love to combat our fear of appearing selfish. She works through tough love too. When we are frightened to try something or change ourselves she is the gentle but firm force who keeps bringing the issues back in front of us. I worked in a trance state during this silent mediation as she wanted everyone present to receive the love for themselves first. On the spiritual path we sometimes run away with the idea that we have to give unconditional love to everyone else. We put ourselves at the bottom of a long list and become unused to receiving the love in return. Tiphoniel brought the love to us so that we could receive without giving it away to others in the way we assume we ought.

As I drove home the Moon, another symbol of the Divine Feminine and the planet with a strong connection to Tiphoniel, was lighting my way in a clear sky. The clouds of the day have been cleared through Divine Love and I feel ready to shine my Light once more. Love really is the answer to life, the Universe and everything ?

Day 130 of my blogging challenge.

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