The Power of Cutting Your Losses

imageInspirations have been flowing in. My brain hasn’t stopped all day. Sometimes when we take a good look at all that we have going on in our lives we find that there are situations that require cutting our losses. This week has brought me to such a point of clarity that I have been standing back and considering where I have been putting my energy for the last few years. I love all that I have been doing but to go forward I also have to make some choices. Will it be painting, writing, my Centre, church services, teaching, healing, readings, public speaking, Partylite or mentoring?  I’ve been juggling all of these. Slowly my focus on my bigger dream has been swamped by lots of other ‘stuff’. Stuff I love doing but …

Working for myself it is almost too easy to discover another thing I like doing. Or another service I want to offer. I’m driven by a desire to help and support people. Especially as that desire is my key mission in this life as well as in the many other past lives that I brought in with me for this trip. Cutting through all of the karmic energy, finding an understanding of how that mission is to be delivered and making sure I have the energy to do so also means doing less of some things. And more of what makes that mission happen. That is the power of cutting the losses. It’s important for me to put all my energy into the activities that deliver the mission. Energy going elsewhere is ‘lost’. That doesn’t mean that it’s not helping or supporting people. However, I may be able to do more if I am concentrating on those things that will, in the end, have a bigger impact for everyone.

One example that popped up this week was an unsolicited offer from someone for me to do more healing training so I could add another type of healing to my list. I get lots of invites to go on courses for new types of training. Do I need to do any more training in new techniques? What I do already seems to be working. I have eight ways of healing that I can use. How many more is enough? Also, as a business women, I have to question whether the cost in time, money and energy will be worth it. If I focus on the healing modalities I already use and develop them to the best of my ability that may be the very best use of myself. So I didn’t sign up for the training. I also had a good think about the healing I was already doing to see if it was time for me to stop doing any of it. Again, all part of the power of cutting my losses.

It’s tempting to keep adding in rather than cutting out tasks. So taking the time this week to consider redirecting my energy has been very energising. I’ve noticed where I’m passionate about keeping something. Also where it seems I can let go without any real pang of loss. The best thing of all has been that reorganising what I’m going to be doing, with a clear focus on whether it fits with my life purpose or not, has freed up my mind for new ideas. Different ways of doing things have been dropping into my mind. They have been going off like fireworks. New projects are appearing fully formed & ready to go. My energy is fired up to take my mission further than I imagined this time last week.

I’m looking forward to cutting out those bits of my working life that slow me down. It’s exciting to make space for the things I’m really, really passionate about. I feel good about the changes I’m making. I feel empowered to live my life my way. If you feel stuck in too much ‘stuff’ why not think about your life purpose. What is it you burn to do? What would tomorrow morning be like if you were waking up to a day of fulfilling your purpose? Then start to embrace the changes you need to make to bring your mission a step closer to completion.

Day 207 of my blogging challenge.

Thinking Time

imageSometimes it’s good to sit and reflect for a while. Life can be so busy. Today I’ve been able to get some thinking time. In my day I have lots of little tasks to do to make sure that my business is running smoothly. Often those little tasks end up filling my whole day. I find myself swamped with dealing with all the admin, queries, bookings and planning. So much so that I drift off from looking at what I am doing in a strategic way. Then I head home wondering how I have spent my time or if I’ve achieved anything. Of course big plans don’t happen without the million small steps that make it so. Yet now and again it’s good to stop and use an opportunity for creative imagination.

I find thinking time a positive benefit for taking my plans forward. It allows me to check where I’m up to in my journey to the outcome I want to create. Thinking about what I’ve done so far lets me measure my successes and consider my prototypes. Knowing where I’ve got to agains my ‘grand design’ I think about what else I need to do to show the Universe that I want my dreams to happen. Then I can think about some ‘what ifs’ in case I want to modify my choices or swap to another dream entirely. Imagining the possible and impossible outcomes perhaps I will decide to be bold and go for something I once thought was impossible. Perhaps the thinking time will give me a chance to see that everything is actually possible. If I use my willpower I can make my intention strong and unshakable. Then I can think about how to get my intention into reality.

We constantly underestimate the power of our minds. Yet every successful person has started with a strong intention, creative imagination and the determination to make their dreams happen. Ideas fail when what we forget to do is give ourselves the time to think on a regular basis. Time to check progress, adjust plans, restate our dreams and focus on being positive that it’s possible. Today I sat, sorting out old paperwork. My brain was thinking about how far I’d come. I noticed a document for a car I had 24 years ago. My first car that was all my own. Paid in full. Not shared with anyone else. There have been other cars since then but I remembered how good it felt to drive that car. I felt as if I had achieved my biggest dream back then having scraped together every penny I had for a 12 year old car. Thinking about it, feeling that feeling again, I ran through the new opportunities that are opening up for me. I’m determined to scrape together everything I have within myself so that I can keep on feeling that sense of achievement. My dreams are happening in the material world so I’m also going to keep having thinking time too.

I hope you find the time for thinking about your dreams. Make them really good ones. Hold the strongest intention you can for them to come true. Never waver. Believe in yourself. Keep taking the next step. And the next. And the next. Your dreams will be reality before you know it.

Day 206 of my blogging challenge.

Regrets or Clarity?

Charlie Brown - Regrets

Charlie Brown – Regrets published 6th May 1960

Today has seen more pieces click into place. Sometimes clarity strikes all in one go. After trying to force enlightenment for ages in a flash of lightening the fog lifts. When you do find yourself, your passion, your inner abilities it’s as if the Universe says ‘great! Now she knows who she is & what she wants we can send it in’. Talking with my lovely friend Jan, the creative force behind our collaborations for Ostrich Angels, the lightening hit. More than once. I finally understood what I’m going to be doing for the next while. As we chatted it occurred to me to think about my journey to this point. Do I have any regrets?

Of course there are always times when we might wish to have done something differently. Or wished for another outcome to our actions. The choices we made could have brought us along a rocky road. Or put limitations around us. We might even have denied ourselves and our abilities as a result of not seeing clearly. But do we have to regret these choices? In the words of one famous song “Regrets, I’ve had a few, but then again too few to mention”. Challenging times tend to make us stronger people. Being able to remind myself that I’m resilient and can survive the unexpected outcomes of my choices is a positive way of viewing decisions that ended up taking me on a more complicated life journey.

Having said that, I do feel that it is tempting to hold onto regrets. It’s a good way to explain why life is less rosy, less like we expected or wanted. Telling myself that I haven’t got the life I imagined because … is a way of sidestepping my life now. The danger of regrets is that we can start to use them to disempower ourselves. If we keep looking backwards at the past and saying ‘if only’ we nibble away at our trust in ourselves. Decision-making becomes bogged down in procrastination. Eventually we end up in a fog of confusion. That is when we need the blast of clarity. Our experiences have made us who we now are. They have also brought us to this point with plenty of options about how we move forward in our lives. Pulling out the regrets and recognising that those decisions were from a different person, in a different time, facing other circumstances we can use them as a springboard in to making clearer choices so we avoid the patterns of past choices. They are the prompts that are guiding us into the future. Then we can let them go. They have served their purpose.

Is it time for you to get more clarity or confidence in your life’s purpose? Do your regrets hang around like a bad smell? Have you, like Charlie Brown, amassed an award-winning collection of regrets? Time to use them to kickstart a different life for yourself!

Day 205 of my blogging challenge. Picture courtesy of a Facebook post by the Charle M Schulz Museum. 

When You Find Yourself

imageI woke up this morning with the words of a song in my head. The song has resonated with me all day. My Guides often use this way of getting a point across to me so I’ve been paying attention every time it popped into my head again. It’s from a Disney/Pixar movie called Cars and the song ‘Find Yourself’ is written by Brad Paisley.

We go though life
So sure of where we’re heading,
And then we wind up lost
And it’s the best thing that could happen.
Sometimes when you lose your way
It’s really just as well.
Because you find yourself;
Yeah that’s when you find yourself.

For the last seven years I’ve been lost in a situation where I felt powerless. I seemed to have no voice. Anything I said was either ignored or, perhaps even worse, used against me to make a case for carrying on with dreadful behaviour. Since this matter affected not only me but my family it has been an emotionally challenging journey. There have been times when I wished I could turn the clock back to the time when I was certain where life was headed. The time when I had it all mapped out and was only waiting for all the pieces to slide into place. There have also been times when a kind word of support from a friend was the only ray of hope I had. And the black days when it felt like I was alone in the middle of a nightmare unable to wake up. As the situation got more and more oppressive, aggressive and draining even my faith was tested to it’s limits. I couldn’t find my way at all.

Over the last few weeks I have been doing intensive healing to find myself. I know that I was very much ‘absent’ whilst dealing with the situation where I felt powerless. I ended up acting and  speaking in ways I didn’t want to. I felt pushed into choices that were only about making the best of a bad job. Lost in this person who was behaving very differently than I desired to, I struggled to change the energy, the relationship dynamics between the participants, the options that were being presented. I finally resolved the situation a few months ago. There are still some loose ends to tie up but I want to deal with them as myself. The powerless person is a part of me that I experienced during a long period of time. The healing has been helping me to find the powerful person who also shares my inner world. She is the one who will be finalising the last few bits and pieces.

When the song came to mind today it was at points where I was putting together my action plan for clearing those loose ends. Finding my power, taking back the control of myself, I know I will be able to act in the compassionate and forgiving way I want to. Shedding the stuck energy that had kept me lost from myself has been the focus of the healing. However I also honour the wandering in the wilderness that this situation has created. When life is going smoothly we forget how strong, capable and brave we really are. People live through so much that is challenging. We are survivors. Never victims. Now I know that I can move forward from a position of strength. Even if I get lost again at some point I will always be able to find myself. Be powerful, strong and brave in your life. You are only a breath away from your true self.

Day 204 of my blogging challenge.

Sending Love

imageWhat a hot day! The sun shone in a bright blue sky reminding me of the light that is all around us if we look. I spent the morning doing a Reiki attunement for someone who had recognised that desire to be of service to others by bringing through Universal healing energy. It’s not the only way we can be of service. There are lots of things we can do or say to support other people who cross our path. I attended a meeting this evening to be the voice for micro businesses like my own. Not because I had been elected to do so, or even asked to do so. I went because I was prepared to offer my experiences post-flooding to a group who might be able to offer support to others like me. So in case there was no one else at the meeting to speak for us I made sure I was. Sending information back out to those who couldn’t attend will be a positive outcome from going as well.

Practical action is really rewarding because we can feel like we are ‘doing’ something. What about when we are a long way from the events that are affecting people? In Reiki there is a way in which I can send healing energy to anyone or anywhere on the planet. All it really takes is for the intention to send the healing and the Universal energy will go out through me, the focus, to wherever it is needed. During the recent flooding in Europe I sent love and healing energy to the people affected, those in surrounding areas and all the people working to rescue or support others. After all I know what it feels like – I was in those circumstances not too long ago. Sending positive thoughts and healing energy might appear pointless. Especially when we have no way, as yet, to measure if it works or not. Yet if we consider the world to be one of energy then sending loving energy to one another boosts the positive flow around us. When we can feel more positive, uplifted or powerful we feel able to persevere through tough challenges and to take action.

My healing purpose is sending as much loving energy as I can. Whether it’s a Facebook post that gets my attention, or someone mentions the need for healing or I notice a negative shift in the energy of the planet the intention is always the same. By sending healing from a feeling of love and compassion I can boost the amount that flows through me and out to others. Passing that understanding on to my Reiki students is a wonderful priveledge. Helping them to discover that sending healing from a place of love is a great service to others is such a joy. Each person who learns to send out the love and healing to others is making our world a lighter place to be in. You can send out good energy too. Think kind thoughts about others, wish them well, ask the Divine Universe to help them be healed. Let your intuition and compassion guide you into sending out the love today.

Day 203 of my blogging challenge.

Chip on the Shoulder?

imageOne of the themes that has been around in this time of niggles & headaches is about that chip on the shoulder that we sometimes carry. It’s a belief in ‘life is hard’. This can easily follow on to believing that ‘no one has had it harder than me’. The underlying feelings associated with this belief are lack, misery and self-pity. One of the difficulties with believing in ‘money’ as a real thing is we accept structures built around an idea that we have to earn our way through life. If we don’t ‘earn’ then we are undeserving and if we don’t earn enough(whatever that may mean) we are also going to struggle for whatever we feel we need. We look around and compare ourselves and what we have with other people. Funnily enough we never look at those who might appear to have less. We always make our comparisons with those who have more!

Over time we start to build a chip of resentment. Constant comparison leads to competitions that we sometimes fail to win. The chip gets a little bigger every time. We keep comparing. We start to tell ourselves that life is so hard it’s impossible to win. Eventually we are thoroughly miserable with this hard life. Enough to start to tell ourselves that no one else is suffering in the same way. It’s like the only competition we want to win is having the toughest, most challenging of times. Finally, the chip has got so big we feel obliged to sabotage our lives. We turn into moaning Minnie’s ready to twist even the good stuff into a negative energy. Our world view is fixed. We become hard to be around or to listen to. We pay little attention to anyone else’s challenges or issues. We stop connecting with people and we find ourselves alone in a grim world. Life has become very hard indeed.

You might recognise periods of your life in that description. Or recognise people around you who are like that. Sometimes it is a person or people who are really close – a partner, a family member, a colleague. They carry their chip with pride. No matter how optimistic you are being they fight against seeing any good in the world. It is wearying to be around them but we love them, we want the best for them and fight long & hard to rescue them from their misery. Until it finally dawns on us that no matter what we do they want to stay in that life is hard place. They want to believe that they are having the hardest time. We feel sad on their behalf, frustrated that they seem stuck and deflated because nothing seems to help. Often we have to walk away from the chip on the shoulder people in our lives. We have no more options to offer, energy to give or patience to keep listening to their world view.

Why would anyone want to live like that? It’s a question I put to my Guides when I started to recognise the chip type. I was surprised by their reply. The gently reminded me that before I came here to be human I sat around the planning table with those very same spirit people and agreed to be part of their journey just as they agreed to be part of mine. For their own evolution they wanted to experience a life with little or no hope or optimism. They agreed to be with me so I could see the impact of that kind of life choice. They also wanted to offer me a choice too. It’s easy to let a chip build up. Resentment and bitterness are the building blocks along with envy, jealousy and anger. Every day we  encounter situations and people whom we judge. We make comparisons and we decide who we are based on those comparisons. The chip on the shoulder people give us a clear example of what happens if we immerse ourselves in our judgements of others. They are a clear sign of what happens when hope and optimism die. When our dreams are extinguished. When we refuse to believe in ourselves and life any more.

It was a sobering thought. How many times had I carried a chip on my shoulders? More than once they replied. There is the challenge. Recognising the chip is there (or even more than one!) and taking action within yourself to remove it. Being clear about focusing as much as possible on the positive side of life. Converting from a pessimist into an optimist. I do believe that there is a personality tendency to be more one that the other. What matters is how you recognise your inate tendency and work to make sure you are focused on hope. I came in as an optimist but have certainly drifted in and out of being pessimistic. The chip on the shoulder people have been part of the choices I’ve made. We can all be influenced by others for many reasons. Recognising that carrying a chip certainly does make for a hard life we can look for those around us who remain cheerful, positive and ready to face the future with a smile.

Taking it one day at a time pay attention to your beliefs. Make sure that you are open to a day of positivity. If you find yourself thinking or feeling life is hard check for the chip on your shoulder. Turn your attention to all you hope for no matter how small that ray of hope seems. Keep optimistic and life will be easier than you could ever imagine.

Day 202 of my blogging challenge.

Headaches & Heartwakes

imageOver the last few days I’ve been a bit headachy. As I’m not normally prone to headaches I’ve been paying attention to the energy going around a bit more. I notices amongst my psychic friends and my Facebook feed that people were reporting headaches & migranes from Wednesday onwards. We all seemed to be feeling the pain together. Sitting quietly today, after another friend was laid low with a mega headache, I asked my Guides to help me become aware of what was underneath all of these reports.

They immediately drew my attention to the wristband I’d picked up on Thursday & started wearing. It says Life Loves You. Thinking about that I remembered the recent period of Mercury retrograde. That was all about old, stuck energy that I thought I’d sorted out a long time ago but bouncing back up to show me I hadn’t really tied up the loose ends. The issues that surfaced really did need to be finished and let go. So even though I thought I had let go I discovered that old feelings were still taking up aura space. Once again I found myself releasing emotional energy.

Going through this somewhat ‘low’ period of letting go one of the things I did notice about myself was that I was fed up of having these feelings lingering around. Stuck feelings only really disappear when we are ready to let them go completely. As the retrograde period moved on I also noticed that my reaction to the issues was getting less and less. This week I wrote a blog about niggles. Some of the niggles were the last remaining energy from Mercury retrograde. It feels good to find that much of the stuck energy has disappeared and to feel more focused about my way forward. So why the headaches?

Reflecting some more I remembered the connection third eye chakra has with clairvoyance. In other words our intuitive way of sensing or ‘seeing’ the energy flow and translating it so we understand on a deeper level where we are headed. When third eye chakra gets blocked or dirty this can often cause headaches. Until we have worked to clear the chakra so that energy flows properly again we can suffer physical and psychic headaches. Rebalancing or healing third eye will remove stuck energy allowing us to ‘see’ where we are going much more clearly. It was at this point that I realised I have been drifting off from my big vision. I have had a dream for many years but in the more recent past I’d forgotten what the ultimate goal was. Pondering my headache, trying to up understand what I needed to see more clearly I started to listen to my heart instead of my head.

There in my heart, waiting for me to pay attention, was my dream. It flew up out of the black hole I’d let it drift into. Bouncing round my brain was my life’s purpose. Letting my heart awaken me to the flow of energy bringing me my dream was breathtaking. Law of Attraction only works when our desire (the wish in our heart) is at one with our belief (the intent in our mind). Until we are wholeheartedly and wholemindedly at one with the requests we make of the Universal energy we are stuck. When the heart and head do battle they often cancel the request energy out completely. The energy of Mercury retrograde and the aftermath of the releasing of energy have created an ideal storm to shake us up. No wonder we have headaches. We are being prompted to find peace in our heart/head battle so the Life can give us everything we wish for.

So I’m embracing the feeling that Life Loves Me. I’m reminding myself of it. I’m open to receive all of the wonderful abundance that is on it’s way in. We have a simple choice. Be ruled by the head, staying risk free and miserable. Or throw our hearts over the windmill and see where our dreams take us. I’m off to look for the next big adventure!

Day 201 of my blogging challenge.

Error 404 – Page Not Found

imageThe requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible! Have you ever had one of those days when you felt like you had skipped a page or chapter in your life? That something you expected to be there wasn’t any longer? When you went to connect with someone or thing it was missing? On one of those days it seems like no matter how hard you try you can’t get back the missing piece of your life. You ask yourself where your error was. How did what you were expecting to be there disappear?

My friends know I’m a bit of a technophobe. Once I know how to drive a computer, iPad or other gizmo I’m ok. But when anything is changed or upgraded I go into panic mode trying to get up to speed with the changes. My phone has features I’ve never even used because I worry that by the press of a button I will loose all my carefully stored data. One little error with these buttons and everything might zoom into a black hole. I will eventually master my phone’s resources, probably right before the next upgrade, lol. So it is always interesting to find life mirroring technology. When a connection to someone isn’t there any more I always wonder why. Even more so if it’s that my connection to the Spirit World that has suffered a glitch.

I confess to being forgetful. I can spend ages looking for the bit of paper with the note I need on it that matters right now. I put down books some place and find them three months later having looked high and low. The email I know I have somewhere on my computer refuses to turn up when I search for it. Or I put something away in a safe place and forget where that place is. I tend to find stuff when I’m really looking for other stuff I need right then. Sometimes the item is gone for good. In a similar way connections to other people can be like Error 404 too. We expect people to stay the same, to relate to us in the same pattern they always have and to be there when we look for them. Sometimes this isn’t a realistic expectation. People change. Or we change within ourselves and they don’t. Or the tide of life drifts us away from one another. Life long friendships are rather rare. They represent  a connection that has stood the fallings in and fallings out, absences and all of the internal changes in each person. More typically we have connections to people who we can identify with until the point when we can’t share any common ground any longer. Sometimes we know that this is happening. Sometimes the connection is severed abruptly.

I’ve also experienced Error 404 occasionally with Spirit connections. I’ve been ready to contact someone, or my Guides, and nothing has happened. It’s like the energy to enable me to do so has disappeared. In the beginning my first reaction was to worry that the link had been switched off permanently. Later I came to understand that there are many reasons why the connection might not happen. These include a change of Guide, giving me a rest, the circumstance not being the best to connect in or too much going on for me personally. So I can always try again (and again and again) if necessary until the connection is back in place.  That leads me back to the missing page or chapter. If a connection is lost there is always a way of identifying why, trying to reconnect and if that isn’t possible understanding why the thing, person or Spirit has moved out of your life. We can always think about the energy transaction that was being made, that is, why was that thing, person in your life? What gift did they bring you and what gift did you bring them? How did you evolve by the connection you had? Rather than stressing about my website getting updated regularly I focus on the fact that blogging is giving me a voice I want to hear. When someone moves out of connection with me I focus on what I have learned about myself as a result of our interactions. And when the Spirit World goes quiet for a bit I take time off for myself.

The next time you feel like you have skipped some pages and have missed some information look at what has changed. It’s not an error or glitch. Be glad that life is fluid and interesting and fill in the blanks (if you feel you need to) in positive ways until new pages are written.

Day 200 of my blogging challenge.

Little Niggles

imageSome days it’s the little niggles that capture my attention. Small irritations that catch on the smooth flow of my day. Strands of energy that stir up uncomfortable feelings or take my focus away from enjoying the positives in the day. It’s like these minor niggles have a way of turning my heart upside down to drag my mood into a lower state. It’s been a challenge to come back from a very clear energy space, no phones, no wifi and almost no people, on the far edge of the hectic world, to a busy life again. Yesterday was a long day and so was today. I love my work yet the change in energy flow has been very distinct.

Today one or two minor things happened that were definitely niggles. I immediately wished I could be back on the beach in Scotland. Then I felt irritated that people were being niggly. And finally I felt niggly myself. When the power cut at 3.51 am started a shop alarm nearby which woke me up I realised that I hadn’t had a full night of sleep back home. Away from the world I slept through undisturbed. I felt cross that I live in a world where the owners of the alarms are sleeping far away from the noise they create. At 6am the intercom system for the flats across from me started blaring a recorded message at full volume because the owner of the flat hadn’t answered the push of the button. Another niggle to get me wondering why the management company of the building had set the system so the whole of the street could hear the recording. Oh, yes, they don’t live nearby either. I know that in a few days I will have adjusted to the noise levels again but it did make me wonder why we have to become deaf to so much disruption when a bit of consideration would go a long way.

Another couple of things cropped up in the day to keep my niggly head firmly in place, lol. I decided it was time to step off the world for a bit so I went to sit quietly in the Centre. Letting myself recognise just how much irritation I was feeling over very unimportant things I wondered why I was so bothered. Of course several nights of disrupted sleep don’t help. Nor that I had been off on a week of doing exactly what I chose for myself. Stepping out of responsibilities for a while is great. What it had also allowed me to do was reflect on those responsibilities. Which ones were really mine? Why? What was the purpose of any of my responsibilities? We can make taking responsibility so much of a habit that we take on our own, theirs and anybody’s. A sobering thought really.

I also thought about what my intuition was trying to tell me. Niggles can be a way for our subconscious to bring stuff up for us to consider. So am I living in the wrong place? Do I need to invest in earplugs? Are there some things I need to stop doing? What do I need to pay attention to in other people? I feel that niggles can be a positive prompt, if we notice and examine them, for us to look around us with a fresh pair of eyes. Life is never set in concrete. We have to be flexible and ready for changes. Perhaps my niggles were the way my intuition chose to remind me to be flexible. Or to be ready for changes. Or to get a clear focus on the priorities in my life so I can put my efforts and energies into the actions that I will find most rewarding. And at the appropriate time perhaps my niggles will be the call to action that I need so I can send out new wishes and desires. I hope your niggles can help you too.

Day 199 of my blogging challenge.

Stepping Outside the Box

imageIt’s been a busy day at the Centre and for me. One of the things that has woven it’s way through the activities has been the idea that sometimes we need to step outside the box our expectations or experiences have placed us in. I love when people ask questions. Especially having a debate about something that has no black or white answer. When we question we find out more by opening ourselves up to other points of view. It’s a great way to come to a shared understanding – or not. It’s also a wonderful way to generate new options for ourselves.

Caught up in the emotion or drama of the events in our lives it’s very easy to become so focused in on what we feel or think we are experiencing. And often to think that no one else is having such a bad time of things as we are. That’s when we need some help to get ourselves outside the way we have been looking at our situation. To open up new lines of thought. To help us reframe the way we might be feeling about something. That’s where a pair of listening ears can really help. Someone with a pair of sharp eyes who can help us see things from a different perspective. Someone who knows which is the best question to ask to get our stuckness moving again.

I love being a mentor for developing mediums because all of the above are ways in which I can encourage someone to keep exploring their abilities. I can support them in finding the disciplin to keep practicing. I can also give the a hand up when the obstacles seem too big to get over or around. It’s also the same with teaching Reiki and doing attunements, another part of my day today. And through the counselling and Reiki treatments I’ve done there has been a great opportunity to answer questions, talk about ways of processing experiences and looking at limitations. Limitations are the key. If we understand where we have got blocked by an attitude, a belief or a judgement we can always help ourselves overcome it.

What do we do if there is no one else around or we feel that we can’t discuss our stuckness with someone else? The trick is to find another way to step out of the box so we can take a good, long look at the limitations we have. One of my favourite ways is to imagine that I’m reading a book or a script for a play. When we read about the characters we want to know why they are saying and doing what is in the book or play. If we were the actor having to play the part we would want to know what their motivation was. There would be a whole back story to explain how they came to be behaving in the way they are when the action captures them. So a useful way to look at something with fresh eyes is to ask why am I doing this? Or to question what is motivating me to be on this path. Allowing myself to detach out of the current ‘life of Annie Conboy’ can show me where I can make changes, what other options the are and often shrinks the issue back to manageable size. I can step away from the emotions and ask myself if stressing about it or feeling stuck about something is in any way helpful. It might just be that I can reorganise my priorities so that whatever has been holding my attention can be moved to one side in favour of something that actually is more important to me.

A box is a container that can easily be turned into a plant pot for you to blossom out of. Take a look at how much space you are allowing yourself for growth at the moment. Is it time to step out of a restricting space?

Day 198 of my blogging challenge.