Percolating through my tired brain today was the word achievements. The last wafts of Mercury turning from retrograde have created lethargy and exhaustion for me since Sunday. So a conversation yesterday stuck in my head until I could give it some room today.
I guess I also wanted to reflect on one of my biggest achievements. Spending nearly three years writing a daily blog has taken a lot of stamina. Only two more days after this one and the challenge will be completed. At the same time I have launched Letters From The Light Side and set up a subscription Newsletter for my predictions about the energy on it’s way in to us. Not to forget my first book! Plenty to consider. Perhaps there are many more achievements that have slipped by without me actually noticing. Or giving myself credit for. Women are trained to be less vocal about what they achieve and often believe saying anything is boasting. But when I consider the goal I initially set myself there is a lot to talk about.
In my very early days, when I had just started giving messages from the Spirit people, I asked my Guides to help me in a specific goal. I asked that one person could be affected so much by the message I passed on that it would change their life. They would open up to the possibility that there was life after death. That’s what I wanted to read in my Akashic record about this life. The name of one person. Today I thought about the thousands of messages I have given. And the students who I have been fortunate enough to teach. Of all the words I’ve said and written. And the positive feedback I have received. I have my fingers crossed that there will be more than one name in my book when I get to read it. I also thought that it might be time to set a new goal.
For a wider audience who might benefit from my words. These achievements have happened because I have a strong and loving Guide Team. They have put me in front of wonderful non-physical beings who have communicate through me. They have woven a wonderful tapestry of experiences for me to be able to reach my goals. Now there are new beginnings looming. I’m nervously excited but determined to achieve as much as I possibly can. Isn’t that what life is all about?
Day 999 of my blogging challenge