Reflection, Retrograde, Refocus And Renew

reflectionIt’s time for reflection! Mercury is going retrograde again until 22nd December so expect any unfinished business to pop up again and again until you finish it.

There are times when I groan about Mercury going retrograde. I feel that communication is hard enough without adding in that subtle influence that makes me look again at everything I’ve said and done since the last time Mercury turned the other way round. The planet appears to be going backwards in the sky and that pushes me into going backwards too. Not something I want when I’m trying to stay focused on moving forward. And spending time in reflection can feel like a wasteful way to spend my time. After all I know better than I did then. So why do I have to look at everything again. Oh that wonderful Ego Mind. Keen to keep me in ignorance of the things within me that are actually holding me back.

After all, on reflection, I might decide that it’s ok to step further out of my comfort zone when I realise I’m not dreaming big enough. Something that terrifies my Ego Mind. It doesn’t want to loose control of keeping me safe. So perhaps I can welcome Mercury’s trip backwards. Because it can help me to understand where I am limiting myself. After all, I might find that I want to refocus on where I’m headed. Or how I’m going to travel my path. I might even decide to leap much further and more boldly ahead that before. So I appreciate the benefit of the next few weeks. I will do my best to work through the issues that arise. Knowing that I am being given an opportunity to start afresh. And with renewed energy and commitment.

Reflection is a positive asset. I know that when I pay attention to the unfinished, loose ends of my life I will learn something new once again. During this retrograde period I am going to be kind to myself, allowing the thinking through, so that I can renew my commitment to being the best possible me I can be. Is it time to find a quiet place and engage in your own reflection?

Day 738 of my blogging challenge

Press Release? Stuck For Words – Not Like Me!

press releaseYesterday’s theme continues. I’m running late with a couple of things. And struggling with a press release I have to write. It’s certainly not like me to be stuck for words!

I’m getting used to flying through a piece of writing. Letting my words flow out and then organising afterwords. After all, at the moment I’m writing at least two pieces a day. Plus the social media posts, answering questions by email and message and bits towards my new book. Who would have thought a press release could cause so much anxiety, frustration and doubt? It’s not as if I haven’t written any for myself before. In the last eleven years I’ve done plenty. But like my Amazon Authors Page and my lulu Author Spotlight page doing a piece to send off for publicity has me running for cover. So, of course, I’ve left it almost to the last minute.

I’ve had many debates with myself about writing a press release. Is it my Ego Mind playing with me and generating false modesty? Am I still ruled by that childhood instruction not to be big headed? Is there a little corner of me still saying I’m not worthy of being talked about in a positive way? Have I discovered a part of me that thinks saying what I’m good at is boasting? I suspect it’s a combination of all of these added in with that bit of me that has always been shy. Most people who know me now wouldn’t think I was shy. I learned quickly to ‘fake it ’till I make it’ so that I can be outgoing. But when my Guides asked me to stand up in public and give messages I refused for quite a while.

Until I was able to encourage the shy me to step back so the talkative me could take over. Then I could press on with working for the Spirit World. She has stayed in the background pretty much.

Yet I feel she’s raising all sorts of objections again right now. I have to take another step out of my comfort zone and she’s worried. Worried that the wider world might not like what I offer. I keep telling her that I’m past caring about what people think. But she still does. She cares that people will judge her and find fault. That people will press criticism on her so much that she will be in bits. I know that there is a person like this in most of us. It’s the bit that didn’t get quite enough loving, positive approval for being who I am. The girl who could paint but was told not to bother. The woman who wanted to write but only wrote factual, dull reports.

No wonder a press release, talking about what I’m doing with my writing, is a challenge. I’m going to have to dig very deep to get past this. But I will. Because I love that shy, reserved girl who practised her singing and wanted to be in a band. Yet was too afraid to chase that dream. I love that she puts in an appearance when I’m about to take a leap forward. And I love her persistence. Even though she lost some of her dreams she’s determined not to be forgotten. I know she has courage. She regularly comes up against the domineering me who wants to take on the world and win because she’s always right. Shy me always calms domineering me down. Shy me keeps me grounded.

I guess the press release will get written. In the end I have to learn to talk about myself and my abilities. It’s a delicate balancing act but worth it in the end. Because what matters is the book. It’s arrived through Spirit intervention. They have helped me press on. And what ever is said next, I know I have acknowledged my love of words.

Day 710 of my blogging challenge

Big choice, Big Change. Are you getting ready?

There is so much to talk about today. All my conversations with others have had lightbulb moments for me. And it’s all about choice.

However, I really want to say something about the process we are all in at the moment. I’ve written about it a bit in other posts but as the energy gets clearer so does the overall message. I know that at the moment we are all undergoing a purification. The Spirit that is inside us is reaching out to wake us up to our upcoming change. That change is to live life with a new purpose. To become the Spirit acting more powerfully through our human body. Because it will soon be time for every one of us to make a choice. In fact all of the energy surrounding me and you is pushing us towards a decision.

Decide what? That’s the next step. When I step away from the illusions of life – the products of my ego – then I can see that I have a spiritual mission. I have unique abilities that can assist all of us to change the way the world is. However I have to exercise my choice and use those abilities. It is me saying that I am dedicated to serving the world the best way I can that moves me on. But my ego mind will certainly try to distract me. Or pull me back into an illusion. Back into a comfort zone that may appear to keep me safe. But really ends up stopping me from doing all I am capable of.

As I step through into my ‘initiation’ in September I will be joined by many other Lightworkers. All of us will be making a choice. A pledge, if you like.

That choice will be to live a spiritual life. No matter what challenges or issues. I know that we will agree to do whatever is asked of us. Willingly and for the greater good of our fellow Spirits. Stepping away from the ego mind. Letting go of anything that has no place in our journey forward. It’s going to be a simple choice really. But one with big consequences. Because I know we will have to give voice to a different set of values.

And then live to those values. This is the change many of us wish for. But perhaps don’t know how to bring about. In turning my mind to an Ascension Consciousness I am placing love at the centre of everything I do. As much unconditional love as I can muster. I have been on the journey of learning to love myself for a long time. But to love others I have to embrace myself first. And keep in my mind and heart the hope of unconditional forgiveness, gratitude and service that flows along with unconditional love.

I also know that some people will make a choice to follow the other path. The one laid out by the ego mind. The mind that says change is too hard.

This will be another choice I have to make. I know that the people around me may prefer to stick with being unloving towards themselves. To reject the love and compassion that is being offered. Maybe even to continue to struggle. Keeping a ‘life is hard’ attitude. I have to accept that there is nothing I can do. It’s a choice they have made. However, since I also know about the process we are in I can engage in open, honest and clear conversations with my loved ones down here.

There is still no guarantee that we will make the same choice. I’m going to make the effort though. Because I also know that the decision we make will keep us on our chosen path for the next nine years. If I end up on the service (Spirit) path some the people I care about may be on the illusion (ego) path. That will bring me more decisions. Perhaps to much to think about at the moment when I am still in the process of choosing. And working to love me enough to let everything of the ego mind go.

The best I can do is be aware. Notice myself. Recognise the energy shifts that are bringing about this choice. And talking to everyone I can to share my observations. Are you getting ready?

Day 593 of my blogging challenge

Last Push Before the New

Since yesterday I have been feeling the last energy push of this year. It’s a final gentle blast to make sure we are ready for new beginnings.

I’ve been aware all year that I have been facing my fears. It’s been a roller-coaster ride of feelings, experiences and events. Yet I’m also aware that I’ve been letting go of all sorts of old stuff too. So I’m feeling lighter and brighter and looking forward to so much more positive energy. There were some tears this afternoon. A great way to release old feelings. And an interesting discussion with my daughter. I also found myself making the push to do a little dimension jumping too.

I love being able to take a peek into other lifetimes, other realms and other possibilities. This afternoon I was watching Brian Cox explain about the latest ideas in science concerning the multiverse. Of course anyone opening up their psychic abilities soon finds out that travelling to other dimensions is a reality. No spaceship required. And it’s not limited to the speed of light either. Deciding that this last push of energy was too good an opportunity to waste I settled down to take a little look across the realms. It appears all the energy work I’ve been doing has paid off. I had an interesting visit.

Pushed back to my home world I am excited about the possibilities we now have. All it takes is imagination and belief.

In the next few days I have the chance, in this final push of energy, to confirm my plans for the new year. It’s important that I go ahead wholeheartedly. There is no time for doubt, fear or worry. All I choose will be delivered if I am clear and determined about what I want. Because that is always the way with new energy. It is there for me to use whatever way I wish. So making my intentions firm is a must. And I am ready to jump into every new experience with enthusiasm. To push myself along.

The key to the next ten years is that I am willing to push myself as far outside my comfort zone as possible. To grab all the positive energy that will be flowing around. To love myself enough not to hold myself back from exciting and interesting times. Are you ready to make the last push of this year? Will you embrace all of the New that enters your life next year? Have you stopped holding yourself back? I hope so. I would love to have your company on my journey. Together we can all change the world in a thousand small ways. Working with peace and love in our hearts I know we can change the bigger things too. Here’s to an amazing journey ?

Day 408 of my blogging challenge.

Taking a Forward Look into 2017

img_2229There is a lot of full moon energy about today. I always enjoy the boost it gives me. Especially when it’s time to look forward at the new year.

I know that we still have a couple of months before 2017 starts but I took the opportunity today to have a discussion about my forward plans at the Down 2 Earth Centre. I find that when I explain things to others the sound of what I’m saying always pings when it feels right. It’s part of my way of living an intuitive life. I’ve spent so much time being steered by my head, following what I thought was best, but ending up not engaged in something I’m passionate about. To step out of that way of planning things was scary. After all it’s conditioning I’ve had since I was at school.

I have found it hard to follow my feelings. Especially because in school and throughout a lot of my adult life I was guided by what I thought. There is an expectation that we will do practical things. Work at what brings in money. Be driven by the need to survive rather than by the need to be happy. So when I planned anything it had to be structured around earning money, paying my way and making a useful contribution. Anything else got me thinking fearful or unconfident things. Even when I started working for myself nearly 20 years ago I approached what I was doing in a rational way. Strange that my plans didn’t seem to work the way I expected.

That’s the realisation I came to after years of forward planning that never quite took me where I wanted to go. So I looked around for a new way of looking to the future.

It helped a lot that by this time I was also learning about tuning in to energy. I was paying a lot more attention to what I felt. My Guides were making themselves known. I practiced being aware of my feelings before I made decisions. In time I realised that what made me feel happy didn’t always feature in my plans. There was a gap. What I wanted to do seemed to come second to what I thought I had to do. It was time to approach my forward planning in a different way. That’s when I started talking to people about my ideas and noticing what I felt as I spoke.

With this method I decided to put in place the ideas or options that made me feel good. I stopped judging what I do from a money, survival or ‘because I ought’ point of view. Now I look at the next year from the position of ‘will this make me feel happy’. I do more of what I like and a lot less of what I ought to do. My aim is to get to the point where I really only do what I love doing. So my admin tasks will definitely be shifting next year, lol. Instead there will be a lot more teaching. And healing. And Earth’s ArchAngels.

After all, who said my business had to be serious, routine or dull? That is what it would become if I stuck to the same old same old. Or felt I should, must or ought to offer only those things that would make me a profit.

Finding someone who could be my sounding board gives me a chance to check that what I’m planning is going to be fun, interesting and stretching for me. If I’m loving what I do then those who want to join in will get a blast of that energy too. The wave of positive can spread. Which is why I also like to be the sounding board for others. It’s great to hear their out loud forward planning. Between us we can share the excitement of identifying plans that come from the heart. We can offer each other support when stepping out of a comfort zone is required. Together, I feel that we can make our next business year an emotional success.

It may seem a bit odd to talk about business as an emotional success. However, I know that I put much more effort into things I’m passionate about. I also know that successful business people do the same. How much passion you have can turn a stressful treadmill of effort into an exciting adventure. I also feel that an emotional success links directly with spirituality. When I know that I am doing the happiest thing for me I am flowing with the evolution of my life. Being here is, I believe, all about learning to be in alignment with my higher purpose. Finding contentment, commitment and happiness in the work I do brings me into that alignment. Because my heart will always love doing what I, as Spirit, planned to do.

So my plans are emerging. 2017 is going to be a great year and I’m going to do what I love doing? What about your plans?

Day 335 of my blogging challenge.

Bits and pieces

imageI think I must be in free fall! Lots of little bits seem to have finally come together. Mostly because I feel like I’ve stepped off a big cliff. There are still some random loose ends to tie up but my vision is clear.

After my live streaming on Facebook yesterday I went off to do one of my bits of work – a service at Stockport SNU church. It was a lovely night and I got a message myself. The developing medium who gave me the information would not have know how significant it was. But I realised that the next part of my life’s work is already on the way in. All because I stepped out of my comfort zone.

The cliff and the comfort zone are one and the same. Many bits of my life have been just that. Incomplete pieces of a puzzle I couldn’t make sense of. Over the last five years I must have bored the pants off my Guides with my question ‘why am I here and doing this?’ They did their best to answer. However if I had known the whole picture I think I might have run away to hide. I realise that I am very good at making myself invisible. I prefer to do things from behind the scenes so a lot of my stuff goes unmentioned. To get me to demonstrate what I know or can do has been a challenge for my Guides. Because it involved me becoming visible.

Choosing to jump.

Usually I speak up when I’m passionate about something and am asked a question. Ten years ago getting me to deliver messages in public was the cliff. My Guides got me passionate about evidential mediumship. So much so that I was prepared to stand up and speak about the evidence I got from Energy Beings. This year the cliff has been speaking for and channelling the Earth’s ArchAngels. To a much wider audience than I could guess. I’ve been tasked with delivering waves of their energy into the world.

I could always have said no. It was my choice. But I know that they really wanted me to take that leap of faith and trust in them. So I did. There is a short blog I posted earlier with the video of my channelling. I’m amazed by the effect the energy had and is having on the people who do the short meditation. Now they are moving me on to transmit the next wave of energy. Once again it has to be me. It will help people piece together bits of what is happening to the energy of the world. It will also help everyone who watches the videos start to heal themselves. That is the key purpose. To help us all heal ourselves.

Their message is Hope, Heal, Love, Peace.

If I hope for a better life, planet, spiritual path I can heal myself and support others to do the same. If I live in, give and receive love I can find peace within and outside of myself. I would jump of any cliff they led me to in order to make the bits and pieces fit together for that purpose. How about you?

Day 233 of my blogging challenge. 

Short and Sweet

imageToday I’ve been tying up loose ends so that I can go away for a writing break. My blogs are expanding into a book so I can’t wait to start more writing. Quite a turn around from when I began blogging every day. Some of the blogs have been short because I wanted people to get main points without getting lost in lots of side explanations. Some of the blogs seemed to magically double in words as I wrote them. As ever, my Guides were quick to put in their views so no surprise the pieces were longer than expected. I also felt that cutting things short wasn’t as satisfying. I have loads of notes about other questions, points and explanations that spun off the blogs too.

It’s sweet to realise how much enjoyment I have had from my diary blog. When I began I was aiming to do thirty days but tomorrow I will have done 190 days. For over six months I have been able to give voice to my thoughts and feelings. That feels sweet too. I have a sense of achievement. The blocks that had kept me quiet for many years have disappeared. I am proud to say I am a writer. Sometimes we stop ourselves from doing things by thinking it’s something we will never be able to do. We find lots of reasons not to make a start, to try and step out of our comfort zone. If we’re not careful we get to the end of our life having stayed safe but unfulfilled. Then we wonder what it’s all been about. I believe that we go back to the Spirit World, ask what was that all about and promptly get sent back here to try again. Anything we haven’t done is carried forward. It’s worth thinking about that possibility if you are holding back from doing something you feel you might not succeed at. If you don’t try you will never know. If you do try you might end up doing it.

So I will still be blogging on holiday whilst I’m writing the other bits of my book. Is it time for you to take up the challenge and get doing something that you might find you really love? Take that short step!

Day 188 of my blogging challenge.

Questions, questions, questions

imageThe theme for today seems to have been questions. There is a line in a Johnny Nash song ‘there are more questions than answers, but the more I find out the less I know’ that fits with what has been happening. I have always been someone who asked a lot of questions. Not to be difficult or challenging. I’ve always wanted to know stuff. Like what makes people tick. Like why do we stress differences rather than similarities. Or why we have to be here in the first place. And did the dinosaurs really exist. Each time I ask what about this, why that and how does it work I also have a question floating in the background. One of my biggest questions has always been ‘who says so?’ I’m not very good at accepting some of the half answers either. ‘Because’ doesn’t work for me. Nor does ‘everybody does it this way’. Or ‘that’s the way it always is’.

It’s really wonderful that part of my spiritual path seems to be encouraging others to ask questions too. When I do mediumship and the evedidence is coming in I love that people wonder ‘how did she do that’. When Guides step in close (because they want to prompt someone to understand how to manifest a better world) I enjoy asking the questions that get someone thinking of positive ways to do that. When an energy imbalance has created dis-ease for someone I am grateful that I can ask the questions that might point them in a new direction so that they can regain balance. And if someone has returned to the Spirit World it’s my priveledge to help their loved ones get answers to questions like ‘has all the pain gone’, ‘are they safe & ok’ and ‘will I see them again’. Asking questions can bring so much positive energy for all of us.

Yet perhaps the biggest challenge is also learning when not to ask questions. Again, as the song says, the more I find out the less I know. Some things have to be experienced, lived through, to be understood. It’s the actual experience that provides answers (& probably lots more questions) so too many questions might get in the way of letting the situation unfold. In a way this brings us right back to doubt, fear and comfort zones. When we are developing intuition & mediumship it’s easy to want to know everything all in one go so we can get connected. Going for a reading or getting a message from Spirit we are also tempted to want specific answers because we have certain questions that help us to believe our loved ones are there. We also use questions as a way of getting the answer we really want to hear so we feel reassured to follow a course of action we wanted to do all along. In the end we might find we know way less than we hoped and still have a long list of questions holding us back from taking action.

My Guides have always said only ask a question when you are ready to hear the answer and act on it. I have found this to be a better way of questioning myself, my life and my spiritual path. It has enabled me to step outside of questioning everything I do. Yet I still have the freedom to question as much as I like if I want to. Today as I reflected on the questions people asked me I saw that what I was giving back were not hard & fast, solid answers. They were promts to encourage more questions, more action, more reflection in others. How lovely to share in being open minded, having the freedom to ask & answer and to arrive at a different point from which to view the experiences that life brings us. As the song says ‘what is life, how do we live, what should we take and how much should we give.’ I guess I will spend my lifetime looking for the answers.

Day 157 of my blogging challenge.

Outside the comfort zone

imageLast night I had to move outside my comfort zone. Only yesterday morning I was talking to a wonderful group of visionary women about the nudges I keep getting from my Guides. They want me to make videos to help people find out more about connecting to the Spirit World. They also want me to get involved in radio & podcasting. To make the point sink in I ended up with a dodgy broadband connect so I couldn’t access this blog page as I usually do. In the end I had four attempts at recording a video, so more practice than I expected!

Today I went off to do something I enjoy doing. I was at Blackpool Spiritualists Church doing the service. It’s very much in my comfort zone now. So comfortable that I could take my shoes off because it was part of a message. Immediately before I started I suddenly thought about how scared I used to be of standing up to give messages. In fact I told people at my first development group that I would never get up on a platform to give messages. So Spirit have helped me move a long way out of that particular comfort zone. Now they want me to move out of other comfort zones. And I’m going to have to make myself uncomfortable to do so.

That is where the resistance usually kicks in. Making a change to any pattern involves stepping into a whole load of doubt, reluctance and fear. If I can’t ‘see’ how things are going to turn out, how I’m going to be when the changes have been made it’s almost easier to try to stick with things staying the way they are. Yet staying the same rules out discovering the new. So it turns out that I am good at connecting with the Spirit World, getting the evidence they want to give and passing on messages. If I had carried on resisting their requests for me to try giving messages in public an opportunity for me to discover a skill and a new passion would have been missed. I suspect it would have come around again but less people would have been connected to their loved ones because I was scared or doubtful. I now wonder how many times they tried to get me out of that particular comfort zone and my reluctance won.

I have several other comfort zones to expand and grow through yet. I have a distinct advantage this time though. I am aware that I resist out of doubt & fear. I also have Guides helping me when I take my first, second and third wobbly steps over the existing line. There is great support available to me from some wonderful people in my life who encourage me to go for it. And I also know that the dithering will always end up with me taking that first step. You see, I also know that I love to grow. It may be painful, challenging or hard work but I enjoy finding a new bit of me – a skill or talent, a mindset or attitude – something that will widen my horizons. Growth is also fun, inspiring, energising and exciting. It’s why we are here. In fact I called my business Growth Into Awareness because I wanted to remind myself that a comfort zone becomes something of a prison if I refuse to let myself change & develop.

Starting right now I’m working on moving outside another comfort zone – more of this in future blogs. Let’s see how far I can move myself this time. If you are finding the pressure of change is inside of you it’s time to recognise your comfort zone has got too small. You have undiscovered & unacknowledge talents and skills. Push yourself a little. Step out one, then two, then more steps. Explore. Rediscover the excitement of the new space in your life. Step lightly through the changes you are making to become more ‘you’. Doubt, fear and uncertainty will be part of your journey. Make then useful by stepping further into those feelings. Turn them into a positive force for change rather than a big brick wall to contain you. You are a unique human being with much more to offer than you recognise yet. Enjoy your journey of discovery!

Day 156 of my blogging challenge.