Abstract Energy Painting: Clear The Mind & Do It

abstractI feel very blessed today. I’ve been wrapped in the energy of ArchAngel Etieliel channelling his energy into paintings. He likes to create abstract pieces so that the energy transfer is emotional rather than structured. And I am always excited to see what will emerge from our blending.

As I let him take over my hands we chatted about the process of channelled abstract paintings. I am always interested in how the Energy Beings choose to work with us because there are so many ways they do. My Guide Team encouraged me to start being creative with art nearly ten years ago now. Over that time I have worked with several different techniques. Depending on which Energy Being stepped forward to connect with me. Each adventure into a new way of working, with a new connector, has been a bit nerve wracking. But very rewarding. I love the pictures I have produced. Many of them have gone off to new homes. New homes where they can radiate the energy to every one who needs it.

I believe that more of us can work with Energy Beings to create pieces of abstract work that contains their energy. But are held back by believing that they can’t paint. That was the case for me. Until my Guides helped me to get over my fear. They encouraged me to get the materials they needed. Then they asked me to clear my mind as much as possible. When I was ready I started to play with the paint. Not focussing on what I was producing. Noticing but nor reacting when my hand and arm tingled. The signal that the connection was being made. And energy was flowing into the piece I was working on. In fact clearing my mind left me able to go with the experience rather than challenge what was happening. Letting the abstract image bring itself out of the materials.

It took me a while to perfect a resistance free method. My Ego mind wanted the abstract paintings to look like something. After all that’s the way it sees the world. Yet my Intuitive mind was keen to let the end result be whatever it was meant to be. So I persevered. With the love and support of my Guides. Is it time to listen to your Guide Team and get creative with colour, sound, materials? Positive loving energy can be transferred in so many ways. Remember, you have so much to give if only you try.

Day 1000 of my blogging challenge

Paper All Aglow: Channelling Parashiel

paperIt’s been what I call a ‘spaced’ day. A day when I found myself connecting to ArchAngel Parashiel and capturing his energy on paper. Of course I’m having an open house soon. I’m in the Hebden Bridge Open Studio weekend. No wonder this angel wants to get his vibration on display!

I had zipped over to my artist friend Kirsten as we often share painting days. However, I’ve been working on drawing Spirit faces for a little while. So I only had my charcoal pencils with me. After a couple of drawings I felt that I needed to get into colour. Fortunately Kirsten has a drawer full of paints so I dipped in to see what I came up with. Sitting back down in front of my blank sheet of paper I had no idea what to do. I already felt like I was floating in the energy so when I picked up the pistachio green I knew that Parashiel had joined me. He loves to share healing energy in every shade of green. Especially the bright greens.

Painting the background on my paper I wondered what else would be added. I have to say I wasn’t very surprised to find that the other colours were shimmering highlights. In the end the picture turned into a rainbow of colours that appear when the light is in the right place. I felt that was really appropriate. Most of us are unaware of our rainbow colours. How our aura is an ever changing light show. Threaded through our base colour are all sorts of wonderful highlights. I love the way the ArchAngels help us to understand and see our ‘shimmer’. Each time I work with them they radiate more colours for me to share too.

When I allow their colours into my aura it means I can share the energy vibration to anyone who connects with me. From paper to me to everyone around me. What a lovely way to spend a painting day with Parashiel, Etieliel and all the other angels. And to have some wonderful intuitive energy paintings to send out into the world too.

Day 935 of my blogging challenge

Saying Hello: Dawn On The Longest Day

This morning I got up at 4am. It’s Summer Solstice. The longest day. I wanted to watch the sunrise as we move into the energy influence of ArchAngel Etieliel.

Of course I wasn’t the only one up and about in the pre-dawn. All over the country people were posting their Solstice Blessings to my Facebook newsfeed. And when I did my live broadcast there were some people online watching for the sunrise with me. Needless to say it was a cloudy morning. Not a chance of catching a glimpse of the sun as it rose. But that didn’t put me off. I carried on with my broadcast because Etieliel, the leader of the Earth’s Guardian angels, wanted to bring in the light of love for the longest time on this longest of days.

As I stood with him I also felt the presence of Divine Feminine energy. I felt wrapped in a warm, strong love. My eye was taking in all of the beauty around me. Birds were calling making a musical backdrop to the lapping water where I stood. I was reminded that we all have a core strength. A gift of intent that keeps us going when all else fails. I felt a deep appreciation of my willpower. Of the way I somehow survive whatever is thrown at me. Even those things that I have created to challenge myself. I thought about the way in which we bend but never quite break.

For the longest time I thought I was weak. And useless. Because I struggled to achieve what I thought I should.

This morning as I blended with nature once more I felt relieved of that burden. The need to achieve has tripped me up a lot. I feel it trips all of us up far to much. It makes change the longest process going because we struggle to let go of things we can’t achieve. Not recognising that moving on to things we can achieve easily is the better option. When I look at what I thought I ought to do I see that I was driven for the wrong reasons. I wasn’t loving myself enough to work towards the things I do really well. The love pouring into our world this morning helped me to focus on what I do well.

I drove home with a renewed sense of myself. And what I’m good at. Magically, as if a gift to say well done, I caught site of a deer at the side of the road. It was standing in a garden area looking at me. I know we have deer around the hillsides but they don’t come close to people very often. It waited whilst I stopped the car and looked at it properly. Then it moved away back into the tree line. What is often hidden has been revealed. My abilities can benefit the people who require them. So no more hiding in a deep forest. I carried on home laughing to myself about the way messages get put across.

For the longest time I have held myself back from accepting positive feedback. Stuck with trying to achieve positive feedback for stuff that I’ve lost my passion for. Now I’m ready to shine my light in the way that suits me. Because on the longest day I know I am loved.

Day 576 of my blogging challenge 

Lunch, Laughter and Love

img_2200It’s been a very relaxed day. As it’s my birthday I went out for lunch with some lovely friends. I also found myself in the middle of so much love and laughter too. I’ve had the best gifts I could have been given.

I usually keep my birthday quiet except for the key ones. It feel like I’ve had quite a lot of them so far. I also really like the idea from Alice in Wonderland that I can get away with merry un-birthdays too. So any excuse to go out for lunch and I’m there. Today was made special by the joy of sharing my day in such a fun way. Although I have to admit I wasn’t quite wide awake at 6am as my daughter sang me Happy Birthday. I appreciated the song but she wanted to know who owned the copywrite. Much toooooo early for me!

So I had a leisurely start to my day. Refusing to Google who owned the copywrite I thought about lunch. One of the best things in life is to spend some time with people you care about. I’m very lucky to know such a lot of fab people but I don’t always get to see them as much as I’d like, if at all. Some of my friends live on the other side of the world. Or at least a short plane trip away. Having lunch isn’t always possible in those circumstances. Yet I appreciate their energy in my life. And we do find time to share the laughter and love. The internet has made communications so easy and I really value the way I can keep in touch with my family and friends.

Lunch today was special because I imagined everyone had been able to join us. As we chatted I could hear other voices chipping in and sharing the laughter.

The love flowed over me in waves as I thought about what this or that person would have said. How they would have added to the jokes. I also heard the voices of my Energy friends. Spirit people gone from the Earth. Guides and inspirers. The Archangels en masse. Archangel Michael leading the chorus of hellos along with ArchAngel Etieliel. So many good wishes. So much delight in the laughter and friendship.  Thier presence reminded me that when all the material things have gone what is left is the gift of love. Unconditional love. Love without demands. As I enjoyed my lunch I thought about the box of Maltesers that my daughter had placed in a huge gift bag for me to have this morning.

The bag was perfect as it was all my colours. The Maltesers were perfect because they are made for sharing. And her card was perfect because, to her, I am, in her words, an amazing Mom. Nothing else was needed. Yet the gifts have continued. The company of my friends today. Wonderful wishes from my family. All the kind greetings from Facebook. Giving Reiki at the group this evening. Arranging new adventures. I even arranged to pick up my new to me car today too. Love is all about giving and receiving. Not necessarily only the material things in life. I gave myself the opportunity to be open to receive today. I loved myself enough to enjoy everything that happened. And I hope my energy radiated back out all of that love and more.

If we want to change the world we need to receive and give all the love and laughter we can ❤️

Day 323 of my blogging challenge.