Last week I was sitting back expecting a quiet February. My Guides had been clear. I couldn’t take old energy into the New Year. So I knew the workshops I had already planned would not run. But I had no clear idea of what else I would be doing.
Quiet times, I thought. A chance to do lots of planning I was sure. Writing and creative work. I already knew that many things were going to change for me this year. So I was ready for a ‘slow’ February. Until we hit the Chinese New Year and the new moon. I’ve mentioned leavings and joining already. But I didn’t expect quite such a rush of fresh energy quite so quickly. Saturday found me painting my new Parashiel’s Balm healing room. Yesterday I finally confirmed my move away from church services. Today the new therapy bed arrived and has been used.
And today, instead of workshops, I’m setting up Energy Connections groups which are filling up fast. Plus my next Inspired 2 Write challenge starting mid month. No wonder one of my friends messaged me to remind me I’d said I was having a quiet February. It seems my idea that there wouldn’t be much to do has completely transformed. Yet I do have to organise some of my other work. And, of course, write a load of stuff for the other things that my Guides are bringing in. Somewhere in all of this will be a point of balance. I’ll get to the end of the month and everything necessary will have been done.
I have to trust that my time and attention will go into the things that matter. That February will give me a great start for the year ahead. Because I know my Guides are ready to send me lots more work. If I want it. And when I’m ready.
So for now I’m going with the flow. As the inspiration comes in I’m following my intuition. At one time I would have found that so hard to do. I needed things planed and possibly over organised. Yet I love how much I can trust myself that everything will work out exactly as it should. The shift seemed to take ages to happen. I don’t actually know the tipping point. Though now I am really relaxed about following my inner prompts. In fact, it always turns out better when I do what I feel is right for me. Overthinking has had me an indecisive wreck in the past. So roll on February. I’m ready to take action!
Day 442 of my blogging challenge.