Rage Against Injustice? Turning Feelings Into Action

rageWhile I’ve had some time off work I’ve been reading a thriller based around Dante’s Divine Comedy. It came back to my mind today when I was thinking about rage. I realised I was still angry about an injustice that happened a long time ago.

Angry enough at one point to have been in a rage about what was happening. Seeing the injustice but feeling helpless and powerless to stop it. There is an old saying that I try to remind myself of. ‘Being angry is like poisoning yourself and hoping the other person dies.’ Rage and anger can fester away inside until it produces bitterness. And so many more low vibrational feelings. Anger can kill all the pleasures of this life if left unreleased. So that each time an injustice arises it piles on more and more of the anger energy. But what do I do if I feel wronged? Or, perhaps more importantly, feel that others have been wronged? Letting the emotion build until I explode seems rather pointless. So what?

Another thread in the story was about moral dilemmas. One particular quote by Dante shouted out to me – ‘The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.’ Though I’m not a believer in hell I certainly understand that letting injustices happen and doing nothing is a moral trap. Ignoring the suffering of others, of myself even, allows rage to build. Anger to become uncontrolled and unreleased. Until the volcano erupts and there is a backlash. At the moment I see there is a lot of rage in the world. Anger being built up because good people stand by and do nothing. And I am back to the same question. What do I do? How do I meet this moral challenge?

The volcanic reaction that rage produces has to be recognised. Taking action to deal with the anger has to happen.

I am recognising my own old energy. And taking active steps to release it. By writing about it. By speaking about it. And by continuing to protest at the injustice that others may not wish to be held accountable for. But I will hold them to account. These are actions anyone can take. Is it time for you to deal with your rage and anger in a way that will prevent further injustices?

Day 968 of my blogging challenge

Contented? Yes, I Can Finally Say That I Am

contentedThe rain came today. A relief from all of the hot weather. I stayed indoors thinking about my life. And realising that I am contented. I enjoy who I am and what I have. My life is far less turbulent than it once was.

Age brings perspective of course. I have got to that point in my life when my ambitions are much less of a driver in what I do. That’s not because I have no more ambitions. It’s because I have changed the way I view what makes me happy. Instead of looking for material world rewards I now focus on being contented. Happy with my lot. A ‘lot’ that includes so much that I really have very little left to ask for. I still have dreams. But these are grounded in being of service to others. My own needs and wants are being met through that service. It is something that I would have thought unlikely even ten years ago.

My life went onto a new track as I connected with my Guides and the teachers they put in front of me. I’m not quite sure when I made the actual choice to work and be of service. But once that choice was made it altered my world view out of all recognition. I found myself on a journey towards becoming contented. I know I was unsure about what that meant. Or how I could do it. Yet I also understood that I wanted to be happy for as many moments in my life as I could. Not happy all the time. I feel that is something that comes after the long process of letting go of fear. But happy as much as I could be at any point in my life.

I’m contented that I will still have those fear moments. I can use them to remind myself that life is uncertain, So that I can enjoy every happy moment I get. And put my energy into continuing to be of service. To myself and others. And, most especially, to the Guides and Inspirers who continue to help me create happiness in my life.

Day 967 of my blogging challenge

Treasures On The Beach: Time To Reflect

treasuresI went for a walk on the beach this evening. Amongst all of the treasures of the sea. I was trying to find a quiet spot to do my Letter From The Light Side broadcast. Quite an ask as my technology has been very temperamental all day.

It’s been Newsletter time. My regular email about what I’m doing in the next month or so. Along with some tips about intuition. I started to compose it last night and left myself some bits to do first thing this morning. But I couldn’t get a steady internet connection. No matter how many times that I tried during the day. I was getting a little concerned as every Thursday I do my live broadcast. How would that go? As I also like to go down to the beach or up to the forest to find a good energy connection struggling with a web connection was the last thing I needed. I decided that the beach was a good place to be. Especially as I always find treasures when I go there.

So off I went. The first treasure was the wonderful cloud patterns above my head. Then I spotted in amongst the clouds the pale moon. She was hanging there in the blue sky, clouds around her like a robe, sending me creative energy.  I walked to the rocks to find a place to sit. As I went I spotted several lovely shells. And a flat pink stone. Treasures for my pocket. Finding a good spot I opened my phone to do my broadcast. Horrors! No connection. No matter what I did. My Guide Rafe was with me. I asked him to sort it out. He asked me to think about the treasure I had been given instead. The abundance of the sea creating the vast number of shells on the shore. The stones worn by the tides but still strong. These will outlast my technology.

As will my Spirit essence. My emotions shape me in this life. But they can’t break me. Energy washes over me but I can stay strong in my own energy. And my connection to the non-physical realms is clear and true. It doesn’t need Wi Fi at all. These are my inner treasures. And they are worth more than any outer technology. More treasure from the beach!

Day 966 of my blogging challenge

Ideas Drop Into My Mind When Least Expected!

ideasMore ideas have been dropping into my head today. Rather in random fashion. But inspiring me all the same. I love living intuitively. Though to my analytical, planning brain it can seem rather like a hodge podge of stuff all at once.

It all connects to the fact that I couldn’t remember what day it was. I’ve been going around as if it was Thursday. But it’s only Wednesday. It’s all that timey wimey stuff that happens when I get out of sync with the material world. Nothing makes that happen better than to get a chunk of time to myself. And when I am out of sync the issues that have needed a solution suddenly get solved. Because all sorts of ideas can make themselves visible to my conscious mind. And I often hear the chuckle that accompanies them. Along with the gentle ‘we’ve got this’ that comes from my Guides or the Angels. I know then that they have been waiting for me to clear away the logical, practical stuff so they can let me know where my answers are waiting.

Of course I get ideas all the time. However those are often what my logical mind thinks will be the best bet for me. That can mean they are influenced by my Ego Mind. The bit of me that can be pushing answers based on my fears. When I am in my Intuitive Mind I feel the energy of the ideas too. And I can tell much better what I need to do from a place of love. Because the intuitive ideas all arise out of the unconditional love that flows through my Spirit. My Spirit is connected to the Universal flow of energy and is able to ‘see’ what will bring the best outcomes for me and everyone around me. That makes it really exciting to get an answer, an idea, which will move something I am doing forward.

Getting intuitive ideas is all about becoming unfocused. Letting go of the issue and relegating it to the back of my mind. Sort of forgetting that it’s there in the first place. And understanding that when I need to know an answer it will drift in front of me. Like today. Three things I had let slide away bounced back. Three ideas that will deal with some exciting pieces of work. So, is it time to let the ideas surface for you?

Day 965 of my blogging challenge

Astral Art: Another Connection With The Angels

AstralI’ve been Astral Annie for many years. It’s the name I adopted when I started using my intuition to give card readings. Today I was painting as the angels drew closer. They reminded me of my first business name. And said it was time to bring it forward again.

It made me laugh. When I started using Astral Annie I felt really daring. It was the start of a new adventure for me. Stepping out into the wider world to offer card readings for guidance and support. I was also nervous. Because this was something way outside my comfort zone. But I also felt sure that somehow it was something I was going to really enjoy. I have never thought about why I picked the word astral. Somehow it dropped into my head and seemed to fit. I was about to journey into the non physical realms of existence by using my intuitive connections to translate the energy of the cards. And to read for the people who chose those particular cards. At that time I had very little idea how it all worked. I just knew it did.

Recalling those feelings and thoughts today I realised what a long way I’ve come. From those tentative and uncertain steps. Now the astral realm is very much my home a good part of my life. I’ve learned to balance between both worlds and pass on the energy from one to the other. As I watched the paintings and images emerge I could feel the flow of angelic energy being imprinted on them. The transfer of unconditional love into a material object. An object ‘loaded’ to transfer that energy to anyone who is open to receive the positive flow. Not necessarily only those who are positive. The angels work the energy to give all of us a boost in any way they can. The offer is open to everyone.

It made me think again about my art page on this site. It’s now Astral Art. A place to show, share and sell these angel inspired creations. Along with the art from my connections to other Energy Beings too. I know it’s a new beginning. My art is becoming visible in the world. And my tentative steps are turning into decisive strides forward. What ability do you need to stride forward with next?

Day 964 of my blogging challenge

Dare To Do Something New: Opening Creativity

dareIt’s been a very exciting day. After a lot of discussion my daughter and I have accepted a dare. We are going to collaborate on a project for the Earth’s ArchAngels. Something that may take time, patience and perseverance. But something that will also be fun, intuitive and full of love.

I’ve known for a long time that this very special bunch of ArchAngels would soon push me out of my comfort zone again. For the last nine years they have stepped me further and further towards my authentic self. In that process I have re discovered my love of painting, writing and music. All of these creative things had slid off my agenda. They disappeared into the background. To that place of ‘might have beens’. But dare by dare the ArchAngels pulled all of these things forward again. Along with many other abilities I had relegated to that place too. Public speaking, channelling, teaching, healing. Lots of steps and lots of new beginnings. So recently, when Etieliel, the leader of the group, started to discuss something I could work with alongside my daughter I knew there was another dare on the way.

I am already working on the book about the Earth’s ArchAngels and the role they take as Guardian Angels of Mother Earth. It’s being channelled in by them to help all of us make the most of their energy streams. Because they have all sorts of wysdom to share. And all sorts of challenges to help us remember that life can be an adventure too. Most of all, they would like all of us to wake up to our own creativity. And so they have given me another challenge. But to help me understand it all I will be working alongside my daughter. It’s also time for her to explore one of her creative talents. But more importantly, for both of us to work together intuitively with these ArchAngels. And to understand how a collaboration can mirror their ways of working together.

It’s a dare to work as one rather than as two. I already know that this is the first step in adding more people to the collaborative process. In building an intuitive team who can link in to the energy of the ArchAngels and show how much can be achieved together. Rather than individually. So dare to create as you may find the ArchAngels working with you too.

Day 963 of my blogging challenge

Humbug: Sensing Behind The Masks I Wore

humbugMy Guides often remind me to be my authentic self. Especially when it’s tempting to be one up or down. Or when I stumble across humbug. Either my own. Or the hypocrisy of others.

I know we have all put on masks. We want people to like us or approve of us. So we hide the parts of ourselves that we judge and find wanting. As soon as I started to engage more with my intuition I realised something very important. I could sense very clearly when I was lying to myself. When I had slipped on a mask so that other people would approve of me. Similarly I could also sense the masks of others. Those times when the people around me were talking humbug. For whatever reason. It made me ask my Guides what use my intuition was going to be if all it showed me was that people had masks firmly in place. I was rather surprised by the answer. Identifying my own masks would be easier when other people mirrored them to me.

Because the real issue they wanted me to focus on was my own humbug. Our communications would be stronger if I was my authentic self. So I began the process of taking off my masks one by one. Every time I spotted someone else’s humbug I looked for where that was in me. Each signal or sensing was a gift. Giving me a chance to remove the inauthentic parts of me. Last night, in the middle of the night, dealing with difficult circumstances, I spotted another one. A little part of me that had been hiding. But one that was very powerful in pushing me to complain to myself.  Yet not to actually voice what I wanted to say. A small unauthentic moment. But an important one.

It showed me how quickly I now pick up on my own humbug. That gives me an opportunity to deal with my situations more honestly. Which also helps me resist putting on more masks. I am also comfortable with the masks other people wear. Much as I might wish them to take off their masks I understand that choosing to do so is a process. One that takes time to undertake. Just like the time it has taken me to boost my connections to my Guides.

Day 962 of my blogging challenge

Communicating With Yourself First Opens The Door

communicatingI’ve been thinking about my journey into mediumship today. And how communicating with non-physical beings sort of crept up on me. Bit by bit. Quite a lot of the time I was unaware of one of the ways that the door to their realm could be opened. Instead I seemed to spend quite a lot of my time talking to myself.

Communicating with myself is, of course, something I’ve done all of my life. Billions of thoughts have crossed my mind. Information about feelings and sensations. Plans, dreams, fears and hopes. Worries of all kinds. Discussions of the right and wrong of any action. All of the analysis I have done to find meaning in my life. It’s all been there. It feels like a constant chatter that only switches down when I am asleep. But even in sleep the communication continues. My brain is never really silent. Yet in amongst all of that activity there were also messages and information from my Guides. However it took me a long time to find it because of all the other stuff filling my head.

Communicating with Guides became a lot easier once I started to deal with the chatter in my head. Not by shutting it up. But by listening to it and sorting it out. It’s amazing how many worries I had that were unlikely to happen. How many fears I allowed to run riot and shove me into defensive actions. All sorts of meaning that I had decided mattered to me. So that I was stuck in trying to achieve far too much. I realised that my thoughts were out of balance. Too many should, musts and oughts. A mind full of things to restrict or limit me. And I realised I had been carrying all of these for far too long. So I started to let them go. To deal with them. And to answer myself in positive ways.

Communicating with my deeper self also helped me to make some space to recognise the thoughts that belonged with others. Because there were plenty of these. Judgements, advice, instructions and rules I had taken on. And there, right in the middle of this muddle was the loving, encouraging and supportive energy of my Guides. Waiting to help me open a completely new door. I stepped through, never looking back. Is it time for you to find your new door too?

Day 961 of my blogging challenge

Different Times And Still We Need To Protest

Different TimesLast night I was listening to a song about the Peterloo Massacre in Manchester. It happened in 1819, almost two hundred years ago. The reason why it sticks in my mind is that eventually the Free Trade Hall in Manchester was built on that site.

And I have stood on the stage there as part of a choir singing all sorts of songs. As well as attending all sorts of concerts. Now it’s actually been turned into a hotel and I wonder if anyone staying there ever hears the cries of the people who were killed and maimed. Because that’s what happened. People protesting because they were starving. Women, men and children gathered to express their dismay and anger at the way their lives were being made difficult. And they were cut down because the people with the power decided they could do such a thing. As a way to quash the protests. I suppose I could say it was different times. And ask why it matters right now.

And perhaps it doesn’t to most people. I know that we are often ignorant of our own history. The massacre was something I learned about because my school used the hall. It hadn’t made it into the history books for our exams. Maybe it was too brutal and inexcusable for our young minds. I think different times can sometimes be best forgotten. However, I also see in the story of this massacre many of the parallels of our more modern times. Large gatherings of people often provoke violence. But not always from the people who are protesting. So why do we still need to protest? Has our history taught us nothing about how to ensure we have the best governance?

I wonder how many times we will have to go through to remove the need for protesting? When will the people we choose to lead us be honourable, wise and selfless? I know that karma keeps comes around. Even if, as with the Peterloo Massacre, the actual event has slipped from public sight. Maybe the non violent protests that have been happening today will generate a different outcome at last.

Day 960 of my blogging challenge

Friday Thirteenth, New Moon, Eclipse: Muddled Energy

Friday approachingTomorrow is Friday Thirteenth. A day when people think of all sorts of bad omens. Or of the movie franchise. However, I love both Friday and the number thirteen.

I was born on a Friday, so as well as reminding me that the weekend is about to start, I enjoy the day of my birth all over again. Though I haven’t always been happy that I’m back being human once again. And I generally find my Fridays are lucky days too. I also enjoy the energy of the number thirteen. That’s because one is the number for new beginnings and three is the number for creativity. So any appearance that thirteen puts in is bound to be about starting something new in the most creative way possible. Funnily enough this time it lands on the New Moon too. The point at which I always send out my required and desired wishes to the Universe. I want my dreams to manifest so asking with the creative and doubled new beginnings energy is bound to bring great results. Only one little hitch to this though.

This Friday the thirteenth there is a partial solar eclipse. Not visible to most of us. But there in the heavens all the same. Slightly muddling up the energy. I find that eclipse energy pulls up my shadow side. Which is always more active in the Dark Moon just prior to it becoming New. So I am ready. Ready to deal with whatever cloudiness I discover within myself. Or is brought to the surface by the events of my life. Because I have a choice in how I deal with my life. I can operate from the optimistic recognition that all parts of me are there for a reason. Or I can block my shadow side and hold onto the negativity it contains. I know it takes more energy to contain than to embrace. And that the best way to deal with this is to be gentle and loving to myself.

So as the sun sets this evening I am ready to float through the next few days. I will have help. One and three add up to four. Four is the number of the Angels. I know they will be supporting me to make the most of this energy and the next move forwards. Have an angel filled Friday Thirteenth!

Day 959 of my blogging challenge