Sun Setting On A Special Day Of Friendship

Sun setttingI woke up to find the mist had descended this morning. No sign of the sun which had been waking me all week. On the day I was going to visit good friends in their new home. So I ended up driving into the foggy morning to get my first glimps of their place.

The fog reminded me that I don’t always know where I am going. Quite a lot of the time. It also reminded me that the sun is there more often than I sometimes recognise. Up above the clouds,  waiting to peep through again. The visit to my friends was special because they had set off on a journey to their dream home six years ago. It started with them recognising it was time to consider a new home. One more suited to the way their interests were going. Both are wonderful healers but were stuck in the material work concerns that can swamp us all. Putting a wish out to the Universe that they would like to live in a place they had just visited  got them opening up to a new dream.

By the time I arrived the sun was starting to peep through the mist. An afternoon and evening of bright sunshine was on the cards. Six years on it was a delight to see my friends so energised and happy. Their new home glowed with positive energy. And the land around them welcomed them. And me as I wandered around. It reminded me that dreams do come true. The path to this dwelling had been up and down. Snags and hitches along the way. But the consistency of my friends dream kept them positive even when exploring other options. They understood that the sun was shining just above them. They had to wait for the mist to clear.

This evening I watched the sun set behind Mill Knock, Ben John and Bartholm Hill. It created a vivid red and pink sky. Reminding me that dreaming is an essential part of manifesting. As is taking action. Because investigating possibilities, following up options and confirming what I want are all ways to help the Universe deliver my dreams. In the way they are meant to arrive.

Day 917 of my blogging challenge 

Detective Work – Finding Stuck Energy

detectiveSome days I get to play detective. When I’m mentoring or working with Reiki I can sense stuck energy in the person I’m working with. It’s not always clear to them why the energy is stuck. Or even what the energy represents. However it is getting in the way of moving forward. That’s when I get my investigator head on.

Using my clairsentience always helps. I can ‘feel’ where the energy is stuck with my own body. Then I can reflect this back to my client so that they can ‘feel’ the stuck energy too. Because it might be causing all sorts of symptoms – some related and some not – for that person. That’s when the detective work begins. We can discuss the symptoms and I can relate them to the chakras that might be affected. I can also sense the energy as it flows around the stuck point. Is it blocked completely? Does some energy get through the blockage? Are there more than one patches of stuck energy?

That can prompt a useful discussion about how the person is experiencing these waves of energy. And for how long they might have been getting these signals from their body. Some energy can be age related. Especially when I consider the way we all have intuitive ability open and closed at different points in our life. It can also lead to a discussion about the energy of other significant people in my client’s life. We do take on each others energy. And even the energy of total strangers. The detective work also includes tuning in to their past lives. Karmic threads are still active in our present life. These can create situations of stuck energy too.

As I analyse the information, like a detective, I can usually find a probable cause for the issues my client is having. Knowing what is happening, what is creating dis-ease, is the starting point for dealing with releasing the energy. I enjoy this aspect of my intuitive work. Helping someone find a way to come into a better balance is very rewarding. Especially as I can ‘see’ the lift in their own energy as everything starts to flow again.

Day 916 of my blogging challenge

Body’s Connections To Full Moon Energy

Body'sSometimes it takes me a little time to put things together. Especially my body’s connection to the energy. I tend to forget that, as a clairsentient, I can ‘feel’ all sorts of things that physically don’t belong to me. Often when I notice symptoms I have to check is it me – or is it someone else.

Realising I was strongly clairsentient was like being told I had to learn the language of another planet. Spoken by an inhabitant of a third planet. It was a challenge. First of all I had to identify what I was feeling. Then observe my body’s response when the Spirit and Energy Beings were around me. I might feel their emotions. Or their physical characteristics. And had to cross check that those things were separate from my own body’s reactions. Not easy to sort out. However, because I’m tenacious I stuck with it. Until I was satisfied that I could tell the difference.

Then my Guides started to link me into Mother Earth, the Moon and one or two of the other planets in our solar system. I began to ‘feel’ their physical energy. Including their pain as well as their elation. Finding out I could do this was a surprise. But it’s actually a logical extension of being clairsentient and able to ‘read’ energy. Any energy. Now and again I’m called on to ‘feel’ the pain of the Earth and to transfer it away. Exactly like I would when I am working with healing energy for a client. I finally realised last night that I was involved in Earth healing as the Full Moon energy made it’s presence felt.

My body’s response to this Full Moon was painful. Especially in my root chakra. There was a wobble going on that I had to focus my healing energy on.

However all the Reiki I did for myself to release the pain seemed to make things worse. Until I checked with my Guides. It was a relief in one way to find out the root chakra wobble wasn’t mine. It was the planet reacting to the Moon energy. The ‘pull’ and ‘push’ of getting ready for new beginnings. As the Full Moon arrive this afternoon I walked on the beach letting the water sooth my energy. The pain was gone. Any wobble had disappeared. I felt ready to take a big leap forward. I was also sure that others would have been dealing with the Earth’s energy.

So I popped onto my Facebook to do a live broadcast. There are many strongly clairsentient people who will have been wondering what was happening to them. It felt good to be able to explain my body’s response to the energy. And hopefully others could take some reassurance from understanding their intuitive ability too. Then I thought about my last Letters From The Light Side broadcast. In it I explained there would be some strong energy from Monday night and through Tuesday. If only I had remembered sooner. My body’s reaction would have made sense much sooner.

I love the way I am still learning to put it all together. And that my Guides let me work it out for myself. Until I’m stuck and ask. Or cheer me on when I’ve got the bigger picture. I’m also honoured to be involved in clearing Mother Earth’s energy field. The more of us that can do this the better she will become. Next time you find yourself with random symptoms, aches and pains take a moment. Are you experiencing your own clairsentient ability?

Day 915 of my blogging challenge

June Workshops: The Energy Of Angels And Past Lives

angelic juneJune is a great time to discover something new about your intuitive abilities. I have two of my favourite workshops: to help you connect with Angels and also to discover your Past Lives. Both these subjects have come up a lot during my intuitive development. 

In a way that is why I love sharing this knowledge. I believe everyone can access more of the intuitive energy information that surrounds us. Including making contact with the Guides and Inspirers who are willing to help us. I know that if we clear past life energy our connections improve. And I also know, because I have channelled their presence, that the Angels stand ready to give us all of the love and healing we need. Both of these June workshops can be life changing. I would be delighted if you could take a look at what’s on offer and attend if it’s part of your development.

Sunday 3rd June 11am-4.30pm – All Things Angelic

Have you ever wanted to connect with Angels and Archangels? Do you want to know more about these fascinating Energy Beings? Would you like more of their unconditional love in your life?

Join Intuitive Medium and Angelic Channeller Annie Conboy for a day focused on all things angelic. Take the opportunity to connect with the Angels around you, get a message from your angels and find out how you can keep the conversation going.

The workshop costs £70 and includes a workbook & all materials. Refreshments are provided. You will need to bring a packed lunch or you can use the local shops which offer a good range of food.

Sunday 24th June 11am-4pm – Discovering Past Lives: Present Day Patterns

This is a one day workshop to help you identify the Past Life patterns still working in this life. Clear old ties, promises and trauma that are keeping you stuck. Skill yourself up to access & understand more about your past lives so that you can keep working with the wisdom they provide in this life.With forty years experience of working with past lives, Intuitive Medium Annie Conboy is ready to help you find out about your own Akashic Record. She can also help you gain the experience necessary to keep exploring your own stories. All materials will be provided including a work book and CD.

Refreshments are included in the workshop cost which is £70. You will need to make your own arrangements for lunch.

I work with small groups so that everyone gets enough space and time to explore and question. To book or for more info please email, phone or text me. A £25 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place.

Day 914 of my blogging challenge

Drift Into Full Moon Energy: Go With The Flow

driftIt’s been very hot. As the sun moves through the sky I’m waiting for my first glimpse of the moon in the daytime sky. At this time of the year both the sun and moon share the sky for a short period as the light fades. I’m looking forward to the full moon in a couple of days. And I’m already feeling the drift.

The full moon is a time for me to check in with my creativity. And how I am manifesting my dreams. Getting me ready for the waning cycle when I can let go of anything I no longer need. However, sometimes it is best to drift with the energy of this changeover. Each full moon brings with it a new perspective on my present position. Sometimes that calls for action. Other times I have to hold steady with where I am. Today I noticed that I have been sleeping a lot with this full moon energy. It made me smile to think of the wide awake energy that the full moon usually brings me.

The drift over the last couple of days has been about patiently waiting for the right moment to begin. I know there are many new beginnings this year. And I can get impatient if they don’t turn up fast enough for me. But that is because I want to get on with doing. This full moon is reminding me that I have to gather my energy. Ready for the leap forward. Which will only come when the timing is right. Of course it’s a lesson I’ve had before. I feel all of my experiences take me around the same spiral. Only each cycle gives me a chance to improve on what I’ve already created.

So the drift also allows me to notice what I want to be different in this next set of new beginnings. It allows me to double check what I am manifesting. When the Full Moon rises I will be clear and focused about what will serve my Spirit purpose in this cycle of growth. Plus energised and ready to send out all of the energy my manifesting requires. Now I’m back to drifting!

Day 913 of my blogging challenge

Deeply Refreshing Sleep? Restless Nights!

DeeplyI know that after a few nights of restless sleep I’m running on empty. I look forward to a night of deeply refreshing sleep. But sometimes it’s as if that’s the last thing in the world I can get. Because I have Spirit visitors dropping in to chat.

It happens less often nowadays. Yet when I first opened up to my ability to connect with Energy Beings I used to get contact at all time s of the day and night. Even when I was deeply asleep. I needed that sleep. But my visitors didn’t. And they didn’t have much sense of time either. When I told them it was the middle of the night for me they were very apologetic. But still wanted to talk. Until I realised that I was leaving myself open. I had to be the one shutting the door and putting up the ‘closed’ sign. That’s not so easy when drifting off to sleep is a natural drift into an altered state of consciousness.

As I drifted down into unconsciousness I would ‘see’ lots of faces appearing in front of my mind’s eye. Then I would feel like there was someone in the room. Or sat on the bed. And a conversation would begin. Falling deeply asleep the conversation would continue. Until I was woken up so they could continue explaining something or other to me. Eventually I realised that I had to be more firm. I had to make my nighttime off limits to the Spirit people. Discussing this with my Guides I also realised that they had been waiting for me to ask for their help. If I put up with being woken when I was deeply asleep then they would let it happen.

Now I make sure that when I start to drift into sleep I have closed down my psychic senses. I shut out the Energy Beings just like I close my mind to everything else that has been active in my day. If, by chance, someone tries to wander in I ask them to come back when I am awake. And when I am awake I spend a little time asking for contact. That way the communication happens at a time of my choosing. And stops restless nights!

Day 912 of my blogging challenge

Animal Guides, Symbols and Messages

animalI’ve been surrounded by birdsong all day. Watching the rabbits scamper from thicket to thicket. My own cats fascinated by the flight of the birds. It reminded me that we share our planet with a whole host of other lives. Each animal makes a contribution too. As guides, symbols and messages.

I love working with my animal guides. Although it took me a little time to realise that’s what they were. When I began tuning into the energy of non-physical beings I was expecting to connect with guides who were people. And I suspect I was also expecting that I would know who they were. When I began to sense energy that didn’t feel human I was a bit thrown. It took me a while to open my mind enough to angels and elementals. Let alone any animal that chose to contact me. Until my wolves stepped in. I could see them clearly in my mind’s eye. I could smell them. And I could communicate with them.

That contact opened up another aspect of my mediumship. I found I could communicate with animals here on the Earth. As well as those animals that had passed to the Spirit world. They are all energy and have consciousness. So I often woke up with my deceased cats cuddled in on my bed. And my dogs sitting by my side when I needed loyalty. Because that was another aspect of an animal stepping in. They brought messages. They were symbolic of things I needed to pay attention to. And their presence, here on Earth or from the Spirit, also helped to guide me.

Now I pause when an animal makes itself clear to me. Or passes on information.

In the last couple of days my wolves have been around to protect the trance circle I sat in. They work as my guards when I am off wandering in an altered state of consciousness. Returning from a trip out I found a pheasant walking across the moor road I was on. It walked to the side, paused and let me take a good look at it. It was reminding me to get ready for new experiences taking me far and wide. I thanked it for it’s reminder that my gifts can bring me anything that I require or desire. On another drive I saw a deer deep in the trees beside the road. Another reminder that I can move through life’s obstacles with gentleness and grace.

Each animal had something to share about the experiences I have been having this week. Messages to me to deal with things from a position of my own personal power. Even my cats are a constant reminder that I should embrace the mystery of life as well as my independence. And I honour their message to me by remaining curious about why I am here. Or what life holds for us. Once I started to notice the animals I was delighted that so many of them chose to help me. That delight continues even now. Today it was the blackbird singing me a message from her tree. She is part of my Totem family and always draws me into the void of creation.

It’s time for me to create again. Setting aside what I have done before so that may mind can be clear. Making a journey into the source of all energy so that I can draw on new inspirations. The animal guides have encouraged me to get ready for new beginnings. And I honour their place in my life.

Day 911 of my blogging challenge

Heal With Energy Carried By ArchAngel Wings

healToday is the day I do my live broadcast on my Facebook page Letters From The Light Side. I’ve been doing these weekly broadcasts for more that twelve months now. Although I was initially reluctant to start. Even though my Guides told me that the videos would help people heal themselves.

Tonight my favourite healing ArchAngel came into the channelling. Parashiel works to spread his Balm to all of the healers on the planet. And that’s an awful lot of us at the moment. Our task is to heal Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. To share the power of love and compassion so that we deal with the fear that surrounds us. I know that the healing has to start with me first. I have to deal with all of the stuff that has warped me. Turned me away from my Spiritual self. Kept me from being kind to myself and others. As if I have forgotten my authentic self.

Some of this energy is being released through my dreams. But there are still some parts of me hidden from view. In the end I know I might have to work a little bit harder to find them. And to heal them may be a bit of a challenge. They will be hidden for all sorts of reasons. However I know I have help. I have the energy of Parashiel’s Balm. A constant flow of loving and empowering energy. It feels like a warm hug from the inside. Exactly what I need to deal with the stuff that is out of sight and out of mind. Because I am determined to move my life forward. There is a whole new me waiting to have adventures when I heal myself.

Finally, there is another important reason for me to heal myself. I know we are all connected in the flow of energy. If I am well and happy that positive energy contributes to a positive flow of energy towards others. I am surrounded by wonderful people, animals and a planet that gives me everything I require or desire. Therefore I want all of them to enjoy the healing energy carried to me by an ArchAngel’s wings.

Day 910 of my blogging challenge

Breaking The Rules To Learn By Experience

breakingWhen I first started to look for help to understand the contact I was getting from Spirits I found out there were rules. Lots of them. Rules that seemed designed to keep me out rather than invite me in. It was only when I began breaking the rules that I found out my experiences were more meaningful than anything else.

I’ve been to do a demonstration fo my Trance mediumship this evening. It was actually the first form of mediumship I ever did. And my first public mediumship too. Yet when I tried to find ways of having more of the trance mediumship experiences I ran into lots of rules. Some were apparently written down, Others seemed to be rather off the cuff. It meant that I found it hard to develop that particular ability. Except that my Guide Team were very keen to help me bend and, where necessary, set about breaking the rules. Left to my own devices I tried all sorts of things that seemed to be in the ‘not allowed’ or ‘not possible’ lists.

I even tried all the ways I could think of to get into an altered state of consciousness. My Guides kept bringing me more suggestions. And in the end I worked out my own set of rules. Steps I stick to so that I know I will be ok. Yet I am also aware that my Guides keep me breaking new ground too. They want to help me step even further out of my comfort zone. That also means taking a look at my internal rules. The things I have set in place that might actually end up being limitations. Rather than enablers. I’m open to looking at my own rules. And I am prepared to break them if necessary. Because discovering a new ability is always at the end of what I already know. In the borderland between what I know I can do.

And what I doubt I can do. I know that is the best reason for bending or breaking my rules.  Being able to try things. To experience many prototypes. So that I can learn what works best for me. With the aim of helping other people learn what works best for them. Because the rules one person worked out may never work for another person. Here’s to finding and breaking more mediumship rules!

Day 909 of my blogging challenge

Timeless Wisdom – Through A Child’s Eyes

TimelessI’ve been working with my daughter on her CV today. She had to imagine writing one some years into the future when her higher education had finished. It got us thinking about what skills she had when she was younger. I remembered a bit of timeless wisdom she shared at age nine.

It was a poem she wrote from the point of view of a tree. We love our forest walks. And always make a point of spending plenty of time tuning in to the trees. I love how the trees connect with each other. How their branches and berries give us shelter and food. I find that when I am standing with the trees I feel the timeless flow of the Earth’s energy. It’s such a grounding experience. I also know that without the trees we would struggle. Because they also provide the oxygen we breathe. At a young age my daughter also recognised the damage we are doing to our trees.

Yesterday I wrote about raising children with praise. I feel that’s another timeless wisdom that we have let slip out of sight. I loved her tree poem and shared it on my Facebook timeline. My daughter responded with pride that her work was going out to a wider world. It encouraged her to keep on writing. Now she has a whole series of books ready to publish when she wishes. And she also understands that each one of us has a voice. That it is ok to share our concerns with other people. To try to raise awareness and get people to act. Even if trees are still being mismanaged or destroyed. The point is to see the world as it is and to work at making it better.

I feel children really get that. They understand how much care is needed to make sure our planet can continue to sustain human life. Their view of our predicament is timeless. Because they reflect the worries of so many people throughout the last two hundred years as the Industrial Revolution has driven our desire for more material things.

I have included her poem here. I am still proud of her words. They make me think about caring for the planet. They remind me to focus my energy on Mother Earth as well as the people and animals. And they call on me to listen to the children. To pay attention to their voices. Through their eyes the world is a wondrous place full of everything we require. They understand it better than we let ourselves. I hope you enjoy the poem too. And start listening more to the children and young people around you. Make sure they have the space to voice their opinions. After all, they will be the ones dealing with whatever we leave behind for them.

The Tree
I remember when my branches were full of wildlife
The lazy jaguar sleeping in my big, strong arms
Colourful macaws soar around me like a rainbow scarf
The Emperor butterflies tickle me as they gently pollinate my flowers
That was a long time ago

Now as I look around I see nothing but desert
My friends are dead, chopped down
I am surrounded by a graveyard full of my dead friends
The soil is black and useless
Most of the wildlife has been captured for pets
Others captured their skin
The butterflies no longer pollinate my flowers

I have seen the mighty forest grow
I have seen the mighty forest begin to die
Unless people help to rebuild the forest now
It will be gone forever.

Erin B aged 9

Day 908 0f my blogging challenge