Plan B: A Wave Of Tranquil Energy

plan BToday was definitely Plan B. I was expecting to travel for a day out to London. Instead I found myself in York right in the middle of a wave of tranquil energy. Exactly what I needed after the hectic energy of the start of the year.

I know I don’t allow myself enough ‘me’ time. It’s because I am passionate about what I do. So sometimes I get carried away by work. I can also get carried away by the energy that washes around me. Every day I try to find and stay in positive energy. But that does take an effort of will. Especially when there is plenty of fear and anxiety around. It’s part of my wellbeing. And part of my business strategy. Because I want to be as effective as possible. So I am getting better at making time for me. That was the trip to London. Yet I ended up falling back on my Plan B instead. My rail card disappeared. Meaning my train tickets were invalid without it. Resulting in a rapid change of plan.

I always benefit from a change of scenery. My mental health and general wellbeing respond to different experiences when I get out of the same old same old. Going away from home lets me step out of the stresses around me and in my every day life. It’s a chance for me to see things from a different point of view. And when my plan changed yesterday I knew that I would benefit from the change in some way. Not exactly how it would work out. But enough to know that my intuition was prompting this for good reasons. As it turned out my intuition was correct once again. I was unaware that a peaceful wave of energy would be coming through the York portal. Until I stepped off the train and felt it.

So next time you are presented with complications or your plan falls apart remember there will be a reason. Move to Plan B. Or C and D if necessary. Follow the prompting of your intuition and go where you are sent. You never know what wonderful things may be waiting for you.

Day 875 of my blogging challenge

Entertainment Purposes Only? Consumer Protection?

entertainmentI enjoy questions. Good debates. Entertaining chats. And ways to expand my knowledge. But I’m not a medium for entertainment purposes. I’m a medium because I believe that what I can pass on to people is part of my pastoral care. Because I practice spirituality.

Already I can hear one or two subsidiary questions. They are the ones I asked myself when  the Fraudulent Mediums Act was repealed to be replaced by the Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations in 2008. Designed, amongst other things, to stem the flow of begging letters from unscrupulous people who target vulnerable people for money they cover all sorts of unfair practices. Unfortunately the interpretation of these regulations is very much the remit of Trading Standards officers as they are the ones who prosecute cases. So there can be different approaches across the country. In 2008 I saw advice that suggested I should start using a disclaimer. Words to the effect that my readings were ‘for entertainment purposes only’.

It got me thinking about whether what I was doing was only for entertainment. I hope my readings are uplifting. There may be lots of laughter. Even some tears. But I’m not a TV programme, theatre production or comedy show. I am passing on what I believe and trust are the words of people who have passed over into the Spirit World. To do so is a long way away from what most people might consider entertainment. Especially when I’m working in a Spiritualist church or centre. Because there it is a matter of religious belief. I am sharing something that people respect as a way of worshiping a higher power. So much as I love what I do a blanket disclaimer isn’t helpful.

That then begs the question, if it’s not for entertainment, what is a reading? And why might someone want one?

Of course, as I’ve already said, someone may get a great deal of entertainment from my readings. However, my work is about bringing the evidence forward that is available from the communicators I work with. In other words it’s about passing on messages. Messages that contain information I couldn’t possibly know. Words of comfort, support or encouragement. I see this as the essence of pastoral care. Helping people in my community to deal with the ups and downs of their life. You might ask how is this different from counselling? When I work as a counsellor I may use some of the same skills that I use in my mediumship. But the emphasis is very different.

Counselling comes from an understanding of our metal and emotional processes. Readings come from  an understanding of our spiritual beliefs. There is no way that the counselling and psychology profession would describe themselves as ‘for entertainment purposes only’. And neither would I in relation to my pastoral care. I am mindful of the vulnerability of the people who I work with. In both roles. So I have an ethical framework to help me ensure that I am not taking advantage of someone. This includes allowing the readings to be recorded. And dealing with any issues about the quality of a reading openly and honestly. I am also prepared to stop the reading within the first five minutes if there is a poor connection.

I hope that I do provide entertainment if that is about people leaving feeling uplifted. But I return to my opening. It’s not the only thing a reading embraces. My readings reflect my spiritual beliefs. They are a way for me to demonstrate my beliefs. And I am delighted to share my messages with those who believe and those who don’t. In equal measure.

Day 874 of my blogging challenge

Projects And Plans: Going With Intuitive Timing

projectsI always seem to have a project on the go. In fact I usually have at least half a dozen projects demanding my time and energy. That’s why I love my Passion Planner so much. It’s really helps me be organised. But I’ve noticed something interesting by keeping track of my time. Things tend to happen in intuitive timing.

I’m a trained project and programme manager. That means I am used to keeping an eye on several projects at once. I’m also used to setting off any new venture with a project plan. Sorting out the tasks I have to do, what resources I will need and setting a completion date. Projects rarely stick to the rigid plans I make at the beginning. I always expect the unexpected because it’s the most expected thing likely to happen. It’s not surprising that my planner has a lot of amendments. And that each project moves up and down a priority list many times.

However, what is at the top of my list at any given time is a guess. Because I have a plan. But somehow my projects have a sense of timing all their own. I’ve started to recognise that action happens when it’s exactly the right moment for me to focus on one particular project. Then I’m swiftly moved onto another. Of course I can get a bit grumpy with my Guides about all of the shifting about. Especially when they change the emphasis overnight. Or take a hand in blocking a project until I have finished what they want me to do for them. In project management speak they are stakeholders in all of the spiritual work I do. So they feel that they have a big say in what happens.

I have learned to juggle my projects, alter my plans and follow their lead. Because it always works out brilliantly. I find myself where I need to be, when I need to be dealing with what is important at that moment. Not only for me. But for many other people too. When I sit down to check in with my planner tonight I know that what is written in there could all change tomorrow morning. Yet I love it. For a structure person I’m really getting into the intuitive creative flow!

Day 873 of my blogging challenge

Knowledge or Wisdom: What Do I Choose?

knowledge & wisdomIt’s certainly been an interesting few weeks. All sorts of things have been jumping out at me. One of the most interesting ‘thought experiments’ has been about my knowledge versus my wisdom. And how these two might differ when applied to the situations I am encountering.

I’ve had some reminders, by re-reading books, about the way in which I use my life experiences to steer me when presented with new situations. Some of those books are clearly imparting knowledge e.g about the Cathars and Essenes or religious instructions for living a spiritual life. One or two have been about the way in which people have made sense of the life they have been living. Each one I have picked up to revisit has been drawing my attention to the difference between knowledge and wisdom. And whether or not my life might be more spiritual if I apply wisdom, rather than what I have learned in books, to my choices.

It’s an interesting question. The definition of knowledge is ‘facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject‘. This suggests that experience and education both play a part in getting to know something. Wisdom is defined as ‘the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise‘. In other words being able to take a wider view, based on more than what I have experienced or been taught. Somewhere in there I have to make judgements. Perhaps I can have all of the knowledge in the world but fail to apply it in a wise way? That has been a helpful point for me to decide how I want to deal with things affecting me now.

I feel that a spiritual approach is based on applying wisdom. Wisdom contained in my feelings and thought. And my ability to set either or both of those on one side in choosing the appropriate course of action. It’s also an intrinsic part of this process that I accept mistakes can happen. That my judgement may need to be refined. Or in other words, that my wisdom will always be expanding.

Day 872 of my blogging challenge

Messages From Water: Masaru Emoto

messages from waterI really enjoy the way my Guides make sure I get their messages. One of my favourite ways is when they get my attention with a book. They know I love to read, or re-read, books that I love. So they often send a book across my path to keep me on track.

Today’s book is “Messages from Water and the Universe’ by Masaru Emoto. When it first crossed my path I was stuck by how much it resonated with me. I sought out more information about this inspiring scientist’s work. And I even tried the white rice experiment for myself. One of my favourite paragraphs from the book caught my eye again today.

In fact, I believe that this is the life system that God had devised to maintain a natural balance and help the advancement of the human race. We can never exist as just one single self. God created resonance as a physical reminder that every being on Earth has a single “self” yet is also connected to everything and shares harmonious energy.

I’ve been thinking about the spiritual response to the escalation of fear created by the actions of the countries that have bombed Syrian targets. And the people in that country for using chemicals against other people in that country. I guess I wanted to find the best energy response I could.

So I found the passage in the book a real help. My Guides often bring me messages advising me to honour all of my feelings but always to try to send out love. Not an easy thing when I’m in the middle of low vibrational emotions. Yet this lovely book reminded me that I have to keep trying to radiate love. Nothing will change if I send out anger, fear, hate. Because I have learned to recognise that I am connected to the whole web of human beings – not just a few. And that connection extends to the animal kingdom and Mother Earth. If I share my low vibrations with others we will end up amplifying them. With an energy that will distort our whole existence.

Messages are important for another reason too. The remind me that I am not trying to achieve everything all on my own. There is a large network of people working to live from the higher vibrational feelings and thoughts. We are all radiating and sharing love as much as we can. That, of itself, will grown the energy of love in the web of humanity. And we can thank Masaru Emoto for his work to demonstrate this fact. I hope you can resonate with love.

Day 871 of my blogging challenge

Root Chakra Wobbles: Mercury Bows Out

root chakraWhew! What an active Mercury Retrograde it’s been. It’s almost time for Mercury to bow out of making us look at things again. I have to say I have really felt the push in this retrograde period, as well as the waning moon, to explore and acknowledge root chakra issues. All that stuck energy from childhood that still affects me now.

Root chakra is the place where my basic drives power out energy into my physical body. It’s the source of feeling that I have food, shelter, warmth, company and creativity. As these are basic drives they tend to be expressed in purely emotional terms. And can easily get out of balance. Especially as the root chakra is the first way a child experiences a connection to the physical world. The energy I lived in as a young child, before my cognitive functions developed around age seven, was processed through what I felt or sensed physically. Because memories were not recorded in my conscious brain they are stored in the sub and unconscious parts of my mind. Meaning I am often unaware of their influence on my actions.

That’s where this current Mercury retrograde has been a great help. It has brought to the surface those old feeling. Feelings that have perhaps become stuck because they were unexpressed or not acknowledged by the people around me. Even the energy of feelings that were belonging to someone else in the first place. They have come to my attention so that I can release them from my root chakra and balance my energy flow in a more positive way. That’s an important task. If I am to continue embracing my Spirit Within I also need to create a better energy space where we can meet. And better energy to send out into the world so that I live as a Spirit within a human body. Rather than only as a human being.

I also know that if I have a wobble in my root chakra there will be a wobble all the way through the rest of my chakras. Which could drive me to act out of fear instead off out of love. So I will be waving goodbye to this retrograde with gratitude. It’s been tough to surface all that I have needed to discover. But rewarding too. I can move forward with more clarity, confidence and certainty knowing that I am lighter by a considerable amount. I hope Mercury has been as helpful for you too.

Day 870 of my blogging challenge

First Time For Everything? A Day Of Cards

first cardsI remember back in 1991 I discovered the art of reading cards. However my interest in Tarot cards started much earlier than that. I became fascinated when I had my first ever card reading. My sceptical side struggled to take in the information I was being given. All because it was really accurate.

I guess that threw me into a real wobble. I had been persuaded by a friend to go along to a local psychic. So I was very up tight, hardly saying yes or no and rather shocked at what she was saying. It was as if I was an open book she could read. It unnerved me for quite a while so I pushed that first experience to the back of my mind. Where it sat for quite a long time. Until I was ready to explore card reading for a different perspective. When I wanted to learn how to read them for myself. My interest had been sparked by a friend who was learning to read cards herself. So I got a book and a pack of ordinary playing cards to make my first attempt at getting information about me.

It’s safe to say that I have come a long way from those first stumbling steps. I have lots of packs of all sorts of cards. I love how they respond to the questions I ask. Enjoy the insights they give me. And appreciate they are always positive about my ability to deal with the issues in my life. Today I did a series of card readings at a local shop. Nearly every person who came was having their first card reading. As they reacted in surprise to the accuracy of what they were hearing I thought about my reaction all those years ago. I understood how mystical it can seem. So I was delighted that my cards, trusty friends, brought so much positive energy into the readings.

Of course it’s been a long time since my first reading for someone else. I now know the why and how of card readings. However I still enjoy the ‘magic’ of a successful reading. Because I hope, like it did for me, that it will inspire another person to get curious about Tarot and Oracle cards. Perhaps, one day, they will pick up a pack and decide to give card reading a go. And open up to the wonderful support and guidance that this particular psychic technique can provide.

Day 869 of my blogging challenge

Heavy Energy: Fear Is Not The Answer

heavy energyI know we live in challenging times. We are trying to bring about deep and fundamental changes to the ways we relate to one another. Yet I can’t escape the heavy energy that is around at the moment. It’s like the worst sci-fi story of nuclear war ever. And I am living in it. But fear is limiting other choices.

I’m not denying fear as an emotion. It is a useful energy to get adrenalin to kick in when we have to run away from large animals. Or when it’s dark and uncomfortable so we need to move to a different place. However, I find all the discussions about solving the issues the world faces come from a deeper place of fear. An ego place. A place where the energy is so heavy it’s almost solid. Somehow, in this place, I even fear my own destruction. Yet I have had years of evidence that life continues. In me if I am reincarnated. In others because there are plenty of children being born into the world.

This heavy fear is really my Ego Mind. Stirring me up. But limiting my options at the same time. Because when I act from a place of fear I only do what relives that fear. Temporarily. Because the heavy energy remains. And I sink down into it once more. So what am I to do when I hear all of the aggressive dialogue? It sounds like a script. A discussion with too many agendas hidden behind the scenes. And unfortunately not enough love to go around. When people become disposable objects it is easy to forget that they have a right to share the same planet. Even to remove them if they stand in the way of those agendas.

I wonder if the world leaders ever rise above the heavy energy of fear? Ever consider that what you give out you get back? And that, thus far, no one has lived forever? It’s no surprise that these issues are also apparent at a local and national level too. Fear is not an answer. Open, honest and clear discussion is. It’s time to put the guns and bombs away and start talking. Not through fear. But out of love.

Day 868 of my blogging challenge

Musical Memories: Tunes In My Head

Musical memoriesI have driven home today accompanied by my daughter and our two cats. One of the things we all like is having music playing as we drive along. It pauses the time as we sign along. Tonight the music also brought back lovely memories of my Mum and Dad too. Our house was a musical place.

We all learned to play instruments, loved a wide variety of music and my Dad and brother were in a band. So music has been around me and in me all my life. No wonder then that my Guides often use music, and the memories it brings, to get messages to me. There are so many inventive ways Guides can work with us so long as we let them. Working with Energy Beings tends to be presented in rather ridged ways. My Guides know I like to find new ways of working so they do all sorts of things. I love it as it keeps us from taking the communication for granted. And it means I get lots of laughs too. I take the passing on of messages seriously but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun too. Hence all of the musical references.

So they work with me a lot through songs. Certain songs tell me which Guides are around. They like to use I’m Every Woman when a reading is finished. It’s a stop signal. And one of my Guides likes music hall songs from the First World War. Especially Pack Up Your Troubles. I get that one when they want me to cheer up. One of the more musical Guides likes to play classical pieces. She uses it to get my attention for philosophy work. It can also be a bit of a giggle when I’m shopping in the supermarket and they start playing ‘Flash …aaahhh aaahhh Saviour of the Universe’ in my head. One of my Guides has a very off the wall sense of humour. It means someone needs help and my Guides would like me to send out healing energy.

I love having a musical connection to work with. It’s a sort of shorthand – once I’ve worked out what the tune is asking me to pay attention to. Music is reminding me of loved ones, giving me a chance to sing at the top of my voice or helping me to get the messages from Guides. I love it!

Day 867 of my blogging challenge